I need to proxy http requests to https server in the backend. Everything is
working except a minor issues in redirects URLs. ProxyPassReverse
translates the the URL except the protocol i.e. does not translate https
from backend server to http protocol.

*Version: Apache/2.2.15*
Below is the configuration for reverse proxy

<VirtualHost *:8888>
ServerName frontoffice.example.com
SSLProxyEngine On
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /shop https://backend.example.com:9443/shop
ProxyPassReverse /shop  https://backend.example.com:9443/shop

http://frontoffice.example.com:8888/shop/cart are proxied to
https://backend.example.com:9443/shop/cart.  The backend server results in
redirect (302) to https://backend.example.com:9443/shop/login but browser
is getting the redirect as

So ProxyPassReverse rewrites the URL except the protocol.

Am I missing some configurations here or this is some known issue or
expected behavior?

I will appreciate any help on this front.


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