Now I understand, thank you.

Any suggestion about profiling a request using mod_proxy as a reverse proxy? Reading mod_proxy documentation I didn't find a useful solution (except lowering Timeout/ProxyTimeout to get some information in error log, but I was searching for a less "disruptive" profiling procedure).

Thank you again,
Massimiliano De Ruosi

Quoting Eric Covener <>:

Looking at server-status page, I cant understand the "scope" of scoreboard
key: "W" (Sending Reply): it refers only to sending reply to client (6), or
the entire process of contacting backend, waiting for response, and sending
it to client (2+3+4+5+6), or maybe other?

It's counterintuitive, but W is used as soon as mod_proxy gets control
(so just before it contacts the backend) until all of the response is
forwarded.  It really just means the configured "handler" has been
entered and has not completed.

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