I recently built Apache 2.4.25 and am running it on RHEL 7.3.
I've found something that seems a step backwards from 2.4.6
and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on it.

In the Apache 2.4.6 shell script apachectl, a call to "apachectl status"
invokes systemctl status  httpd.service. This gives you easy-to-read
output regardless if the server is running or not.

In the Apache 2.4.25 version of apachectl, "apachectl status" instead
calls links with the /server-status URL. When the server is up, you
get a lot of info. When the server is down, you get a Elinks error,
which is a little ambiguous, as there could be other reasons for
links not working correctly.

Doesn't this seem like a step backwards?

Can someone explain the rationale for this?

(Please note: I can fix this, but I'm curious as to why it was done this way)


Jeff Cauhape
IT Professional III
Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
Phone 1-775-684-3804
Email: jpcauh...@nvdetr.org

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