Greetings Gurus!  :)

If my Apache 2.4 server is running mod_ssl and only responding with either 
cached content generated by back-end servers OR proxying requests on to the 
server farm that actually speaks PHP and SSI, is there any point in having the 
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars directive turned on for SSL traffic?  My understanding 
of the SSL Environment Variables is that they're computationally expensive to 
generate AND that they're only locally significant (implying that none of this 
expensively generated data will be of any use to the back end server which 
ACTUALLY processes the CGI [in my case, SSI and PHP]).  Am I missing anything 
here that I might need these environment variables generated for to either 
respond with cached data or pass the request on to the back end server?  I see 
the default request log includes SSL_PROTOCOL and SSL_CIPHER, but the Custom 
Log Formats section of the mod_ssl documentation says "these formats even work 
without setting the StdEnvVars option of the SSLOptions directive", so that was 
the last area I thought I would need it for.  It's probably not a MONUMENTAL 
hit generating these, but if I can avoid it, I'd like to.  Anyone have any 
experience with this choice have any advice to offer?



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