
Server version: Apache/2.4.34 (Red Hat)

I am looking to put some health checks in place using mod_proxy_hcheck.  I
have a back-end tomcat application with two nodes that recently has had JVM
heap issues and the application on one of the two nodes becomes
unresponsive.  However, the node will stay in the pool as a member since I
assume the port on the node is still listening.  Here's the current

<Proxy balancer://balancermanager>

                BalancerMember https://example.com:8443 route=node1
keepalive=On ping=3 ttl=90 timeout=60
                BalancerMember https://example.com:8443 route=node2
keepalive=On ping=3 ttl=90 timeout=60
                ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness


If a request is sent to the bad node, after 60 seconds the timeout will
trigger and return a Bad Gateway 504.

It doesn't seem that using something like this would make sense:

ProxyHCExpr gdown {%{REQUEST_STATUS} =~ /^[5]/}

Since the request would need to wait the 60 seconds to timeout and receive
the 504.

Can anyone provide some guidance on best practices for creating health
checks in this situation?

Thanks in advance,


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