Hi Dan!

Perhaps something more, but nothing is fixed yet. I think the concept of
ISIS is great.

Right now I have the following goals:

   - give an API design workshop - I want to have a demo of hateoas. I can
   build that in ISIS of spring-hateoas. I like the idea of using the browser
   as a generic client (illustration of discoverability).

   - prototype - next week we start a greenfield project. I would like to
   be able to quickly prototype our insights.

   - production code - perhaps this prototype can be used as a starting
   point for production code But that depends on how the team reacts. We
   already decided to go for JPA with Hibernate impl and wicket front end.

Thanks for showing interest!

With kind regards


On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 12:04 AM, Dan Haywood

> On 19 August 2013 20:48, Weston Myers <weston.my...@infusionsoft.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > We got the image working as blob but we had to copy the application
> > example from example/application/quickstart_wicket_restful_jdo.
> >
> > That's the correct thing to do.
> > We could not get the 1.0.3 or the 1.0.4 archetypes to build. The tests
> > failed for all of them and, after disabling the tests, they still failed
> > to build.
> >
> Yeah, I should have said explicitly... I only update the archetypes when
> about to do a release (we reverse engineer the
> example/application/quickstart_wrj, as per [1]).  So at any given moment
> the archetypes in trunk are almost certainly  broken.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Weston Myers
> >
> >
> You're welcome.  In what capacity are you looking at Isis ... just
> prototyping, or perhaps something more?
> Cheers
> Dan
> [1] http://isis.apache.org/contributors/recreating-an-archetype.html
> >
> >

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