Due to our project timeframes we cannot leader this effort, but as we have 
working with both JDO and JPA we can also provide support for it if needed 
(pointing to equivalent annotations, ways of doing things, etc.).



El 07/01/2014, a las 08:14, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> 

> On 6 January 2014 11:29, GESCONSULTOR - Óscar Bou 
> <o....@gesconsultor.com>wrote:
>> mmmm... There's no guide as it would be needed to implement something
>> equivalent to the isis-objectstore-jdo [1].
>> Perhaps Jeroen or Dan can give you an estimate about the effort it would
>> require.
> I reckon it'd take about 30 days work for me to implement.
> But the main issue is freeing up the time to work on it; my time working on
> Isis is largely building out features in support of Estatio [2]; so having
> JPA API support isn't a priority in that respect.  We're more likely to
> prioritize building a next-gen viewer using AngularJS and the RO viewer
> (isis-viewer-restful).
> If anyone is keen to do the work though, then I'd be happy to spend a day
> with someone going through the JDO implementation, and identifying in
> detail the porting needed.
> Dan
> [2] https://github.com/estatio/estatio

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