Please see the ParameterizedSparqlString class:

See also the user documentation on this at:


On 06/01/2016 11:02, "Håvard Mikkelsen Ottestad"
<> wrote:

>Sorry about how that looked.
>Should look like this:
>I know that it’s possible to do safe queries with Jena using a
>QuerySolution for both update queries and select queries.
>create(Update update, Dataset dataset, QuerySolution inputBinding)
>Is it possible to do something similar when running these queries against
>Fuseki over HTTP?
>My scenario at the moment: Create a user with a username and email
>provided by the user. To be safe, for SQL, I would use a prepared
>statement. In Jena I would normally use a QuerySolution.
>Håvard M. Ottestad
>On 06/01/16 11:42, "Håvard Mikkelsen Ottestad"
><> wrote:
>>I know that it’s possible to do safe queries with Jena using a
>>QuerySolution for both update queries and select queries.
>>/Update.html> update,
>>rg/apache/jena/query/QuerySolution.html> inputBinding)
>>Is it possible to do something similar when running these queries
>>against Fuseki over HTTP?
>>My scenario at the moment: Create a user with a username and email
>>provided by the user. To be safe, for SQL, I would use a prepared
>>statement. In Jena I would normally use a QuerySolution.
>>Håvard M. Ottestad

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