Hi Andy,

Thanks a lot for the explanation! I'm going to have a look at the script.

Anyway, since I'm not able to know how the user started the server, it seems that I have to combine ps and netstat (if netstat provides useful information about the server, it may be interesting to inform the user).

Have a nice day


Le 22/11/2018 à 12:58, Andy Seaborne a écrit :
Hi Vincent,

The script "./fuseki" runs Fuseki as an OS service, and it is a wrapper around "java -jar fuseki-server.jar". It is the script that records the process id and makes OS tools concerned with OS services know about Fuseki. If you run the server directly then there isn't a record of the running service.

To see if Fuseki is running via "java -jar" or "fuseki-server" then you'll either have to look for the process or see if the port is in-use with something like netstat.


On 22/11/2018 09:49, Vincent Ventresque wrote:

I use Fuseki via command-line tools in a PHP project, so I made a small 'wrapper' to call ruby & sh scripts via php : it enables to send queries and process the results without using a RDF library such as EasyRDF.

I'm currently writing a code for a "sandbox environment" based on the php project. In this sandbox, the user should be able to install fuseki, load sample data, run queries via a web page (php), and reuse RDF data in a small mashup.

I tried to add a function to the wrapper so that the user can check fuseki status (running? pid?), but it seems that `./fuseki status` only works when fuseki has been started via the same script:

1) `./fuseki start` :

./fuseki status returns '[....] Fuseki is running with pid: 10373'

2) `./fuseki-server` or `java -jar fuseki-server.jar`

./fuseki status returns '[....] Fuseki is not running'

Therefore I tried to search for fuseki process via `ps aux`.

Could you tell me if this way is correct or if there's a better solution?

Here is the php code.


public function fusekiStatus() {

     //----- search fuseki process ----------------
     $cmd = "ps aux|grep fuseki";
     $process = popen($cmd, "r");
     $psOutput = stream_get_contents($process);

     //----- analyze ps output ----------------------
     if (preg_match("/java/", $psOutput)  == 1) {
         $status = ['running' => TRUE];
         $msg = "Processus Fuseki ok ('running').";
     else {
         $status = ['running' => FALSE];
         $msg = "ATTENTION, aucun processus Fuseki trouvé ('not running'?).";

     $status['msg'] = $msg . "<br>`ps aux|grep fuseki` donne `$psOutput`<br>";
     return $status;



Thanks in advance

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