Hi everyone,

I am looking for a way to trigger more than one URL with a keyword. Can this be done? And where do I have to set this?

Example: My keyword "blog" is used, and I have s.th. like this in my kannel.conf:

group = sms-service
keyword = blog
get-url = "http://www.myserver.com/blog.php?blog=%r&gsm=%p";
strip-keyword = true
max-messages = 1

Working, no problem. But how can I do s.th. like this?

group = sms-service
keyword = blog
get-url = "http://www.myserver.com/blog.php?blog=%r&gsm=%p";
get-url = "http://www.anotherserver.com/blog.php?blog=%r&gsm=%p";
strip-keyword = true
max-messages = 1

Currently only the second get-url request works, the first is ignored. But I am looking for a way to address both...

Any hints? I think I remember that this was on the ML once, but I don't find the mail anymore :-(.


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