
Us users of SMS Shortcodes are getting hit in the US for violating a patent by 
TCS Inc.  The patent claims to cover: 
"A gateway, comprising: a first communication path to accept a short message 
from a mobile device; a translation module to insert said short message into an 
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) message; a second communication path to push 
said HTTP message to at least one Universal Resource Locator (URL); and a 
return communication path to receive a return message relating to said HTTP 

The patent goes on to mention a whole bunch of stuff, ie, using HTTP POST to 
send the http message, etc.

I just got out of a meeting with my lawyer.  He says, the only way to get 
around this is to NOT use HTTP.  

Over the weekend, I tried to use the sms-service using EXEC instead of GET-URL, 
which worked fine... and then the server crashed... i'm guessing too many 
spawned processes?

My question to you all is:  how can we NOT use HTTP but have the same end 
result?  ideally, it would use a command-line exec, but push it into a waiting 
server, instead of spawning a new thread.  Does anybody have any ideas on how 
to do this?

Thank you very much,



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