On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 10:26:49AM -0400, Genes MailLists wrote:>
>   Its one thing to add tablet/phone ("metro") mode - its another to make
> laptops (or desktops) much more difficult to use.

You should stop and think about how 'ego-centric' your remarks
are. "We" on this mailing list hardly represent the great
"unwashed" mass of computer (computer like device) users.

I could probably produce on short notice say about 20 'users'
who do not agree with you.
And these masses keep the manufacturers (Dell, Lenovo, etc) 
in business, not us.
A lot of them will have little difficulty adapting to Unity/Gnome 3

And all these other 'changes' making laptops much more
difficult to use, such as say
- the 16:9 format of the screens
I don't hear you fulminating against these.

And have you stopped to think what a "computer" (desktop/laptop)
might look like in say 20 years time.


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