
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 16:45,  <ny6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have:
> HISTIGNORE='ls:cp:mv:rmdir:mkdir:less:most:joe:cd' && export HISTIGNORE
> in my .bashrc. Works afaict.

I think someone else pointed this out earlier in the thread, HISTIGNORE
is the wrong variable for what the OP wants to achieve. The correct
option is HISTCONTROL.

Whereas HISTIGNORE uses pattern matching to not record commands in the
history list, HISTCONTROL controls which commands are saved in the
history list based on its value. In the OP's case the appropriate value
should be either of `ignoredups' or `erasedups'.

If someone is interested in the nitty gritties, look at `man bash`,
"Shell Variables".

Hope this is clear.


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