On 07/21/2013 10:41 PM, Richard Shaw wrote:
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 8:26 PM, Mark LaPierre <marklap...@aol.com <mailto:marklap...@aol.com>> wrote:

    It may be an artifact of people who have trouble being more likely
    to write to the list, but it seems that people who have Fedup
    problems seem to outnumber those who have success outright with no
    problems first try.  That's probably not the case though.

    The issues are probably caused by people who add stuff from
    foreign repos.  How else would you end up with an F18 kernel that
    was newer than the F19 kernel that you were trying to replace it
    with?  That doesn't happen to all F18 users does it?  My money is
    on NO.

No custom kernels... for some reason F18 ended up with 3.9.10 and F19 is still on 3.9.9 (or something like that).

I do have some custom packages, but nothing that would prevent basic functionality, mostly end user apps, and they're all in a local repository which I rebuild F19 packages in most cases.

fedup only updated about 500 packages. When I got my system fixed enough to run yum update, it still needed about 1100.

My guess at this point is that fedup assumed that because my local repository was "local" (over nfs) that it didn't need to add these packages to /var/lib/fedora-upgrade. If this is indeed the case that is a VERY bad assumption. It's nuts to not include ALL the packages needed for the upgrade transaction. And even if there's a good reason not to (I can't think of one) then if you're missing 1100 packages, it should refuse to do the upgrade.


FWIW, I used a straight network upgrade. It upgraded more than 3000 packages and took two and one-half hours to do it after I booted into System Upgrade.

I have no problems. The only strange thing was that libdvdcss2 is still an F18 version--but when I ran rpmsearch that happens to be the latest version it returned.

Also FWIW, I upgraded within two days of the announcement. Since then I've taken two kernel updates, so now I have three F19 kernel versions, plus the rescue option that I understand is the preferred method when adding new hardware.

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