
If you want to forward X connections through ssh, you should NOT set the DISPLAY variable. ssh will set the proper one for you.


jody wrote:

Thank you for your explanation on how OpenMPI uses ssh.

There is a way to force the ssh sessions to stay open. However doing so
will result in a bunch of excess debug output. If you add
"--debug-daemons" to the mpirun command line, the ssh connections should
stay open.

Unfortunately this didn't work either:

[jody]:/mnt/data1/neander:$mpirun -np 4 --debug-daemons --hostfile
testhosts -x DISPLAY=plankton:0.0 xterm -hold -e ../MPITest
Daemon [0,0,1] checking in as pid 19473 on host
Daemon [0,0,2] checking in as pid 26531 on host nano_00
[] [0,0,1] orted: received launch callback
[nano_00:26531] [0,0,2] orted: received launch callback
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: plankton:0.0
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: plankton:0.0
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: plankton:0.0
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: plankton:0.0
[] [0,0,1] orted_recv_pls: received message from [0,0,0]
[] [0,0,1] orted_recv_pls: received exit
[nano_00:26531] [0,0,2] orted_recv_pls: received message from [0,0,0]
[nano_00:26531] [0,0,2] orted_recv_pls: received exit

If i use ":0.0" instead of "plankton:0.0", at least the local
processes open their X-terms.

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