The whole question of how to invoke xterms for gdb via mpirun keeps coming up, so when this thread is done, I'll add a pile of this information to the FAQ.

More below.

On Feb 6, 2008, at 10:52 AM, jody wrote:

I now solved the "ssh" part of my Problem
The XServer is being started with the nolisten option (thanks Allen).
In Fedora (Gnome) this can easily be changed by choosing the
the "Login Screen" tool from the System|Administration Menu.
There, under the tab "Security", remove the checkmark from
"Deny TCP connections from xserver"
Of course, this needs root access - fortunately,
i am the boss of my computer ;)
Additionally, at least the port 6000 should be open.

This leaves me with my second problem

$mpirun -np 5 -hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY=plankton:0.0 xterm -hold
-e ./MPITest
Opens 2 xterms from nano (remote) and 3 xterms from plankton(local).
The local screens display the message:
./MPITest: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Which is unbelievably strange, since for all xterms (local & remote)
the output of
  $mpirun -np 5 -hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY=plankton:0.0 xterm
-hold -e printenv
contains the PATH variable containing the path to openmpi/bin and the
containing the path to openmpi/lib

The results of these two commands do seem to contradict each other; hmm. Just to be absolutely sure, did you cut-n-paste the LD_LIBRARY_PATH directory output from printenv and try to "ls" it to ensure that it's completely spelled right, etc.? I suspect that it's right since your other commands work, but at this point, it's worth checking the "obvious" things as well...

What shell are you using? You might want to add some echo statements to your shell startup scripts to ensure that all the right parts are being run in each of the cases -- perhaps, for some weird reason, they aren't in the problematic cases...? [shrug]

  $mpirun -np 5 -hostfile testhosts -x DISPLAY=plankton:0.0 xterm
-hold -e locate libmpi_cxx
returns on all xterms (local & remote)

On the other hand, the application has no problem when being called
without xterms:
$mpirun -np 5 -hostfile testhosts ./MPITest

Does anybody have an idea why that should happen?

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