Sorry for the delayed reply, I was out on vacation last week.

I'll send you my oned.log directly, don't want to spam the list with it.  When 
I run the "onevm saveas" command only one line is logged:

Wed Sep  8 01:07:28 2010 [ReM][D]: VirtualMachineInfo method invoked


On Aug 31, 2010, at 8:35 AM, Carlos Martín Sánchez wrote:

> I'm still unable to replicate the error here...
> Could you check (or send) oned.log file? The problem may be related to the DB 
> initialization.
> Carlos Martín, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
> DSA Research Group: web and blog 
> OpenNebula Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing:
> 2010/8/28 Jason Heiss <>
> I'm using 2.0 beta 1.  I'm using the mysql backend in case it is relevant.
> Here's the complete "onevm show" output.  Note that in doing some other work 
> I reinstalled OpenNebula, so the VM has a different ID.  However saveas is 
> still failing in the same way.
> # onevm show 2
> VIRTUAL MACHINE 2 INFORMATION                                                 
> ID             : 2                   
> NAME           : vm1                 
> STATE          : ACTIVE              
> LCM_STATE      : RUNNING             
> START TIME     : 08/26 05:36:54      
> END TIME       : -                   
> DEPLOY ID:     : one-2               
> VIRTUAL MACHINE TEMPLATE                                                      
> CPU=1
> DISK=[
>   DISK_ID=0,
>   IMAGE=CentOS-5.5-x86_64-netinstall.iso,
>   IMAGE_ID=0,
>   SAVE=NO,
>   SOURCE=/opt/tpkg/one/var/images/8b44d66b02ea1c28f94b2d44c87aabc8fa37b1c0,
>   TARGET=hdc,
> DISK=[
>   DISK_ID=1,
>   IMAGE=blank20G,
>   IMAGE_ID=1,
>   SAVE=NO,
>   SOURCE=/opt/tpkg/one/var/images/5464c818cfc6c8072800330bd2089af6a22ec477,
>   TARGET=hda,
> DISK=[
>   DISK_ID=2,
>   SIZE=1024,
>   TARGET=hdd,
>   TYPE=swap ]
>   LISTEN=,
>   PASSWD=vncpass,
>   PORT=5002,
>   TYPE=vnc ]
> MEMORY=1024
> NAME=vm1
> NIC=[
>   BRIDGE=br0 ]
> OS=[
>   BOOT=cdrom ]
> VMID=2
> On Aug 26, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Carlos Martín Sánchez wrote:
>> Hi again Jason,
>> I've tried to replicate the error, but it works for the current git code, in 
>> both master and one-2.0 branches, and the code in one-2.0-beta1.tar.gz
>> What OpenNebula version are you using?
>> The only thing we could use to find the bug is the complete "onevm show 8" 
>> output. Maybe OpenNebula didn't write the IMAGE_ID variables for each disk.
>> Regards,
>> Carlos.
>> Carlos Martín, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
>> DSA Research Group: web and blog 
>> OpenNebula Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing:
>> 2010/8/26 Jason Heiss <>
>> The disk was an image from the repository.  Here's the VM template:
>> # cat vm1.template 
>> NAME = vm1
>> CPU = 1
>> MEMORY = 1024
>> DISK = [ image = "CentOS-5.5-x86_64-netinstall.iso" ]
>> DISK = [ image = "blank20G" ]
>> DISK = [ type = "swap", size = 1024 ]
>> OS = [ boot = "cdrom" ]
>> NIC = [ bridge = "br0" ]
>> GRAPHICS = [ type = "vnc", listen = "", passwd = "vncpass" ]
>> And here's my image list:
>> # oneimage list
>>   ID     USER                 NAME TYPE              REGTIME PUB STAT  #VMS
>>    0 oneadmin CentOS-5.5-x86_64-ne   CD   Aug 09, 2010 05:28 Yes used     1
>>    1 oneadmin             blank20G   OS   Aug 09, 2010 05:29 Yes used     1
>>    2 oneadmin              blank5G   OS   Aug 17, 2010 16:22 Yes  rdy     0
>> On Aug 24, 2010, at 7:54 AM, Carlos Martín Sánchez wrote:
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> Could you send your VM template?
>>> If I'm guessing right, disk 1 wasn't created from an image in the 
>>> repository.
>>> The error you are getting is because the onevm command can't find the 
>>> IMAGE_ID inside your DISK attribute. The reason why it tries to find the 
>>> source image is because it wants to specify the type for the new image, and 
>>> it wasn't provided with the -t option.
>>> I have opened a ticket [1], but meanwhile you could just add the "-t OS" 
>>> option.
>>> Regards,
>>> Carlos
>>> [1]
>>> Carlos Martín, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
>>> DSA Research Group: web and blog 
>>> OpenNebula Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing: 
>>> On 22 August 2010 20:47, Jason Heiss <> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to use the onevm saveas functionality in 2.0 beta 1, but it 
>>> doesn't seem to like me:
>>> # onevm saveas 8 1 myimage
>>> ID not defined
>>> I've deleted and recreated the VM with no luck.  Still fiddling around to 
>>> see if I can figure it out, but I thought I'd throw it out and see if 
>>> anyone had an idea.
>>> The VM ID should be fine:
>>> # onevm list
>>>   ID     USER     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
>>>    8 oneadmin      vm1 runn   0 1048576 00 00:29:22
>>> The disk ID as well:
>>> # onevm show 8 | egrep 'DISK|DISK_ID|TYPE'
>>> DISK=[
>>>  DISK_ID=0,
>>> DISK=[
>>>  DISK_ID=1,
>>>  TYPE=DISK ]
>>> DISK=[
>>>  DISK_ID=2,
>>>  TYPE=swap ]
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