> Yeah, same here :| ...
> OpenNebula can produce the XML output both using the Nokogiri gem or
> REXML if Nokogiri is not found. I'm using Nokogiri with the last git
> version and all CDATA content I can see is on the same line as the
> enclosing labels.
> Perhaps it is the case that you are not using nokogiri? If so, you can
> consider trying again after installing it.
> Hector
> Thanks Hector.
After installing nokogiri, the same old code just works.
It is interesting that I am still using REXML on my scripts but Opennebula
automatically uses nokorigi to take care its own XML handling which is now
doing the proper output (and it looks better too).

But still, I think OpenNebula should work with both REXML and Nokogiri and
there might be some  work needed for the REXML to output the proper format.

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