
We have a strange thing with heapster, after upgrading to 1.1.3:

4:27:07 PM Normal Killing  Killing container with docker id 97b2aa607729:
Need to kill pod.
4:23:47 PM Normal Created  Created container with docker id 97b2aa607729
4:23:47 PM Normal Started  Started container with docker id 97b2aa607729
4:23:46 PM Normal Pulled  Successfully pulled image "
4:23:44 PM Normal Scheduled  Successfully assigned heapster-iwjir to node-1
4:23:44 PM Normal Pulling  pulling image "
Heapster is scrapping metrics correctly, and every 3-5 minutes, the pod
restarts for now reason. Apparently, kubernetes "needs" to kill it, but no
idea why.
The logs of the pod / container don't show any clue:

I0227 21:26:35.000146       1 manager.go:79] Scraping metrics start:
2016-02-27 21:26:00 +0000 UTC, end: 2016-02-27 21:26:30 +0000 UTC
I0227 21:26:35.799862       1 manager.go:152] ScrapeMetrics: time:
799.529596ms size: 483
I0227 21:27:05.000138       1 manager.go:79] Scraping metrics start:
2016-02-27 21:26:30 +0000 UTC, end: 2016-02-27 21:27:00 +0000 UTC
I0227 21:27:05.786697       1 manager.go:152] ScrapeMetrics: time:
786.458797ms size: 483
<= exit here

the 2 others pods (hawkular and cassandra) don't restart.
We can see some graphs in the metrics tab, with some holes when heapster is

[image: Inline image 1]
Any idea what could go wrong?

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