Mainly I have a multi-gb file that needs to be available to my webapp. Copying 
it over with each build is a lot of unnecessary bandwidth use and considerably 
slows down the process. Other binaries include a custom datastore 

I'm suddenly nervous that deploying our code with the provided xPaas images 
would/is subject to a license agreement (and we have none so far). My 
assumption was that since it comes with Openshift Origin it would be free to 
use just like the platform it runs on...

> On 03 Mar 2016, at 15:13, Kevin Conner <> wrote:
> On 2 Mar 2016, at 09:53, Ben Parees <> wrote:
>> Is there a central place where Dockerfile for those images can be found, or 
>> alternatively are these images available to serve as a base image to start 
>> off from?
>> It is unclear to me where Openshift Origin is fetching the containers from 
>> (e.g. jboss-webserver30-tomcat7-openshift) and if it is possible to fetch 
>> them from that same source to expand on them and push them to e.g.
> We do not yet publish the source for these images since they contain 
> information related to our build environment but this is something we are 
> working on addressing.  You shouldn’t need the docker source to achieve what 
> you are after, everything would be in the image that you download from the 
> registry.  We already support the addition on various binaries through the 
> S2I process, can I ask what binaries you are wanting to include and why you 
> prefer to create your own image?
> As for the ability to push the images to dockerhub I would imagine that would 
> be covered by any licensing agreement you have with us and redistribution may 
> not be allowed.  I’m not a lawyer so cannot  provide a definitive answer, I 
> would suggest you raise this question through the support channels so that 
> they can provide you with an official, documented response.
>       Kev
> -- 
> JBoss by Red Hat

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