When you create a pod directly as a cluster admin, you have permission
to run as any user.  So the check allows you to create that process.
When you run under a replication controller, permission has to be
delegated to ensure that the controller (which is acting on your
behalf) can create a pod that runs that way.  The service account is
what is delegated.

> On Mar 1, 2016, at 9:37 AM, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com> wrote:
> hello
> thanks for answering
> but why is running without problem if i run my image as a POD without doing 
> that and failing when i use RC instead of POD?
> thanks
>> El 1 mar 2016, a las 16:21, Clayton Coleman <ccole...@redhat.com> escribió:
>> Regular Openshift users don't have permission to run as arbitrary
>> UIDs.  You can read more here:
>> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/additional_concepts/authorization.html#security-context-constraints
>> To give yourself access as a root user (if you are an admin) run
>>   oadm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default
>> Or to let your pods run as any non-root user, run
>>   oadm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot -z default
>>> On Mar 1, 2016, at 9:04 AM, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> i have a working open shift running and maybe is my misunderstanding but i 
>>> have a problem with RC
>>> so,
>>> i have an own docker image for my app, my entry point in my docker file 
>>> creates some directories that are needed for my app to work and starts a 
>>> jboss,, so far so good
>>> the image is running if i define it as a POD, but when i try to create a RC 
>>> using that image i am having some weird permission denied when creating the 
>>> directories and so my pod dies.
>>> i have noticed that when i run it as POD my process is running under the 
>>> user i define in a step inside my docker file when building the image, but 
>>> if i run it on a RC the process is running under an unknown UID
>>> UID         PID   PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
>>> 1000120+      1      0  0 17:02 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash 
>>> /etc/init.d/jboss-as st
>>> and so when that entry point is trying to create the directories i need i 
>>> get permission denied errors, logically the process dies and so does my pod 
>>> inside de RC ..
>>> why is this happening? on my dockerfile i add a unix user as the process 
>>> proprietary and in my entry point command script i am changing the user 
>>> when starting .. running on the RC the user is not created and not used, 
>>> but running it as a POD works like a charm..
>>> i am missing something?
>>> best regards
>>> thanks all!
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