Looping the list back into the conversation

From: Lorenz Vanthillo 
Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 10:18 PM
To: Tim Moor <tim.m...@spring.co.nz<mailto:tim.m...@spring.co.nz>>
Subject: RE: Use --insecure-registry tag on Secure OpenShift registry?

Oc login
Docker login on registry.dev.com:443

docker push registry.dev.com:443/test/test (Tagged the image before)
In my OpenShift I see an image-stream: service-ip:5000/test/test
So that seems to work fine.

But now it doesn't seems to be an issue related to the push.
Because when I create a s2i-app. There is also a new image-stream created in 
the project.
When I try to use that image-stream inside the same project I got the same 

oc new-app 172.30.xx.xx:5000/test-connection/test   (this isn't a pushed image 
or something, just a new image-stream created by s2i-approach)
error: can't look up Docker image..  x509: certificate signed...

loglevel 5

I0316 09:11:03.089013   83697 dockerimagelookup.go:343] exact match on 
I0316 09:11:03.089024   83697 dockerimagelookup.go:104] Found local docker 
image match "172.30.xx.xx:5000/test-connection/test:latest" with score 0.000000
I0316 09:11:03.093669   83697 componentresolvers.go:59] Error from resolver: 
[can't look up Docker image "172.30.xx.xx:5000/test-connection/test": Internal 
error occurred: Get https://172.30.xx.xx:5000/v2/: x509: certificate signed by 
unknown authority]
F0316 09:11:03.093758   83697 helpers.go:104] error: can't look up Docker image 
"172.30.xx.xx:5000/test-connection/test": Internal error occurred: Get 
https://172.30.xx.xx:5000/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.

My ca.crt contains the content of ca.crt /etc/origin/master/ (and is in 
172...:5000 and registry.dev...:443

From: tim.m...@spring.co.nz<mailto:tim.m...@spring.co.nz>
To: lorenz.vanthi...@outlook.com<mailto:lorenz.vanthi...@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: Use --insecure-registry tag on Secure OpenShift registry?
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:23:59 +0000

Can you show me the exact command you’re running for your push to the registry 
using the hostname?

From: Lorenz Vanthillo 
Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 8:11 AM
To: Tim Moor <tim.m...@spring.co.nz<mailto:tim.m...@spring.co.nz>>
Subject: RE: Use --insecure-registry tag on Secure OpenShift registry?

I performed the same command with my service IP and my hostname: 

docker-registry   registry.dev.xxx.com             docker-registry:5000-tcp   
passthrough   docker-registry=default

It seems to work: in my websconsole I see:
Using provided push secret for pushing 172.30.xx.xx:5000/test2/test2:latest 
and the push was successful

From: tim.m...@spring.co.nz<mailto:tim.m...@spring.co.nz>
To: lorenz.vanthi...@outlook.com<mailto:lorenz.vanthi...@outlook.com>
Subject: Re: Use --insecure-registry tag on Secure OpenShift registry?
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:09:19 +0000

If that shows that tls is enabled then the problem defiantly exists with the 

Have you externalised your registry yet, if so what’s the route name?

Provide the output of
# oc get routes

Make sure that what every name you’ve chosen for your external hostname was 
also included in your certificate creation command


oadm ca create-server-cert --signer-cert=ca.crt \
    --signer-key=ca.key --signer-serial=ca.serial.txt \
    --hostnames='docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local,' \
    --cert=registry.crt --key=registry.key

And is located in /etc/docker/certs.d/<hostname>

Note: there is no port reference here.

From: Lorenz Vanthillo 
Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 8:03 AM
To: Tim Moor <tim.m...@spring.co.nz<mailto:tim.m...@spring.co.nz>>
Subject: RE: Use --insecure-registry tag on Secure OpenShift registry?

I'm sure I performed all the steps. I did it more than once. It's all working 
without --insecure-registry except the oc new-app 172.30.xxx:5000/..

From: tim.m...@spring.co.nz<mailto:tim.m...@spring.co.nz>
To: lorenz.vanthi...@outlook.com<mailto:lorenz.vanthi...@outlook.com>
CC: users@lists.openshift.redhat.com<mailto:users@lists.openshift.redhat.com>
Subject: Re: Use --insecure-registry tag on Secure OpenShift registry?
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 18:55:32 +0000

Take a look at this section, this describes how to create your certificates, 
share them as secrets to your registry and place them in the correct folders so 
that docker and the oc command have access to them.

By the looks of it, you may have missed one of two of these steps.


 on behalf of Lorenz Vanthillo 
Date: Tuesday, 15 March 2016 at 11:13 PM
To: "users@lists.openshift.redhat.com<mailto:users@lists.openshift.redhat.com>" 
Subject: RE: Use --insecure-registry tag on Secure OpenShift registry?

s the ca.crt in the /etc/origin/master/.. seen as a selfsigned certificate? (I 
don't know much about certs but I think real SSL-certs aren't free so it's 
probably seen as self-signed?)
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