In an attempt to avoid problems[1] with the multitenant networking plugin,
we recently switched from the multitenant plugin to the subnet plugin.
After restarting all instances of origin-node and origin-master across our
cluster, we found that nothing was able to communicate with anything over
the service network.  Deploys were unable to pull from the registry, and
apps were inaccessible.  We "fixed" this by reverting to the multitenant
plugin, which brought us back to the previous less broken state, but only
after rebuilding all apps (not just redeploying, but rebuilding).

Does anybody know what went so horribly wrong here?  I may be able to
provide logs if need be (not sure if logs rolled over yet).  One potential
source of trouble: instead of shutting down all nodes, making the change,
then bringing them back up, I changed them one-by-one.  Is that a bad thing
to do?  Also, should we expect to need to rebuild all apps after changing
the networking plugin?  Does that include the router and registry?

[1] Pods on different machines were sometimes unable to communicate with
each other via the service network.  Likely fixed by

Alex Wauck // DevOps Engineer
+1 612 790 1558 (USA Mobile)

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