2016-07-11 11:16 GMT-03:00 Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com>:

> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Robson Ramos Barreto <
> robson.rbarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2016-07-08 16:45 GMT-03:00 Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com>:
>>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 3:33 PM, Robson Ramos Barreto <
>>> robson.rbarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello Ben
>>>> Thank you for your time
>>>> I'm using this one:
>>>> https://github.com/rrbarreto/ose-wordpress/blob/master/wordpress-template.json
>>>> I see. So the files are being replaced when the PV is mounted because
>>>> the image with the contents are created before, right ?
>>> ​right
>>> ​
>>>> > Your goal should be to have an image that is immutable w/ respect to
>>>> application logic.
>>>> I'm newbie with openshift / docker so I'd appreciate very much if you
>>>> could give me any example from how I can do that
>>> ​well that template creates an image that is immutable w/ respect to
>>> application logic..  the template is defining a buildconfig which produces
>>> a wordpress image that includes the wordpress code as part of the image.
>> That's it. The template is creating the image with the wordpress code
>> only to ephemeral volume. When I attach a persistent volume (as you can see
>> in the template) the worpress code isn't being built in the image.
>> My goal is deploy wordpress application with persistent volume and make
>> autoscaling.
> If you want the actual code to live on a PV so that it is shared between
> instances when you scale up, you will need to create your own wordpress
> image in which the code is built into the image, but during startup, the
> image copies its code into the PV location and then launches wordpress
> using the PV code.

How could I to do this ?

> ​
>>> If you are interested in changing the wordpress code that's included in
>>> the image, you should change what the buildconfig is building by changing
>>> the code in the repository referenced here:
>>> https://github.com/rrbarreto/ose-wordpress/blob/master/wordpress-template.json#L75
>>> That parameter is defined here with a default value:
>>> https://github.com/rrbarreto/ose-wordpress/blob/master/wordpress-template.json#L378
>>> obviously you can't change the
>>> https://github.com/wordpress/wordpress.git repository, so you'd want to:
>>> 1) fork the wordpress repo
>>> 2) make your changes in your fork
>>> 3) update the template to change the default parameter value to point to
>>> your fork, or at least when instantiating the template, explicitly set the
>>> parameter value to point to your fork instead of accepting the default
>>> parameter value.
>>> ​
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Regards
>>>> Robson
>>>> 2016-07-08 13:18 GMT-03:00 Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com>:
>>>>> Not sure which wordpress image/example you're using since there are
>>>>> two in there, but if you started from this one:
>>>>> https://github.com/openshift/origin/blob/master/examples/wordpress/template/wordpress-mysql.json,
>>>>> then the wordpress source lives in /opt/app-root/src within the image and
>>>>> since you're mounting a PV to that path, you're replacing the
>>>>> /opt/app-root/src image content with the contents of your PV.
>>>>> Fundamentally that wordpress image isn't designed to have
>>>>> /opt/app-root/src be a volume.
>>>>> If you want the source code to be on a PV so you can safely edit it
>>>>> and have your changes persisted, you need an image that's going to, on
>>>>> startup, copy its source from a location within the image, to a location
>>>>> that you're mounting the PV at, and then run the source from that PV
>>>>> directory.
>>>>> But in general that would not be a recommended pattern.  Your goal
>>>>> should be to have an image that is immutable w/ respect to application
>>>>> logic.
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Robson Ramos Barreto <
>>>>> robson.rbarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Guys,
>>>>>> I'm trying to deploy wordpress with persistent volume on openshift
>>>>>> enterprise 3.2 (30 Day Self-Supported) as in the example [1] but the git
>>>>>> files aren't being wirtten in the NFS path. MySQL is being deployed
>>>>>> properly in the NFS persistent volume
>>>>>> # ls -ld /exports/wordpress/mysql/
>>>>>> drwxrwxrwx. 5 nfsnobody nfsnobody 4096 Jul  8 10:35
>>>>>> /exports/wordpress/mysql/
>>>>>> # ls -lr /exports/wordpress/mysql/
>>>>>> total 88084
>>>>>> drwx------. 2 27 27       19 Jul  8 09:48 wordpress
>>>>>> drwx------. 2 27 27     4096 Jul  8 09:48 performance_schema
>>>>>> -rw-rw----. 1 27 27        2 Jul  8 10:35 mysql-1-ijptl.pid
>>>>>> -rw-rw----. 1 27 27        2 Jul  8 09:48 mysql-1-1soui.pid
>>>>>> drwx------. 2 27 27     4096 Jul  8 09:48 mysql
>>>>>> -rw-rw----. 1 27 27 38797312 Jul  8 09:48 ib_logfile1
>>>>>> -rw-rw----. 1 27 27 38797312 Jul  8 10:35 ib_logfile0
>>>>>> -rw-rw----. 1 27 27 12582912 Jul  8 10:35 ibdata1
>>>>>> -rw-rw----. 1 27 27       56 Jul  8 09:48 auto.cnf
>>>>>> # ls -ld /exports/wordpress/wp/
>>>>>> drwxrwxrwx. 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 26 Jul  7 18:43
>>>>>> /exports/wordpress/wp/
>>>>>> # ls -lr /exports/wordpress/wp/
>>>>>> total 0
>>>>>> $ oc get pods
>>>>>> NAME                              READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
>>>>>> mysql-1-ijptl                     1/1       Running     0          44m
>>>>>> wordpress-mysql-example-1-1clom   1/1       Running     0          41m
>>>>>> wordpress-mysql-example-1-build   0/1       Completed   0          44m
>>>>>> $ oc rsh wordpress-mysql-example-1-1clom
>>>>>> sh-4.2$ pwd
>>>>>> /opt/app-root/src
>>>>>> sh-4.2$ df -h /opt/app-root/src
>>>>>> Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>>>>>   50G   11G   40G  22%
>>>>>> /opt/app-root/src
>>>>>> sh-4.2$ ls
>>>>>> sh-4.2$ echo "Create file from pod" > teste.txt
>>>>>> # ls -lr /exports/wordpress/wp/
>>>>>> total 4
>>>>>> -rw-r--r--. 1 1001 nfsnobody 21 Jul  8 11:21 teste.txt
>>>>>> # cat /exports/wordpress/wp/teste.txt
>>>>>> Create file from pod
>>>>>> $ oc get pvc
>>>>>> claim-mysql   Bound     nfs-pv007   5Gi        RWO           19h
>>>>>> claim-wp      Bound     nfs-pv008   2Gi        RWO,RWX       19h
>>>>>> $ oc volumes dc --all
>>>>>> deploymentconfigs/mysql
>>>>>>   pvc/claim-mysql (allocated 5GiB) as mysql-data
>>>>>>     mounted at /var/lib/mysql/data
>>>>>> deploymentconfigs/wordpress-mysql-example
>>>>>>   pvc/claim-wp (allocated 2GiB) as wordpress-mysql-example-data
>>>>>>     mounted at /opt/app-root/src
>>>>>> Template
>>>>>> 172           spec:
>>>>>> {¬
>>>>>> 173             volumes:
>>>>>> [¬
>>>>>> 174
>>>>>> {¬
>>>>>> 175                 name:
>>>>>> ${APP_NAME}-data,¬
>>>>>> 176                 persistentVolumeClaim:
>>>>>> {¬
>>>>>> 177                   claimName:
>>>>>> ${CLAIM_WP_NAME}¬
>>>>>> 178
>>>>>> }¬
>>>>>> 179
>>>>>> }¬
>>>>>> 180
>>>>>> ],¬
>>>>>> 181             containers:
>>>>>> [¬
>>>>>> 182
>>>>>> {¬
>>>>>> 183                 name:
>>>>>> ${APP_NAME},¬
>>>>>> 184                 image:
>>>>>> ${APP_NAME},¬
>>>>>> 185                 ports:
>>>>>> [¬
>>>>>> 186
>>>>>> {¬
>>>>>> 187                     containerPort:
>>>>>> 8080,¬
>>>>>> 188                     name:
>>>>>> wp-server¬
>>>>>> 189
>>>>>> }¬
>>>>>> 190
>>>>>> ],¬
>>>>>> 191                 volumeMounts:
>>>>>> [¬
>>>>>> 192
>>>>>> {¬
>>>>>> 193                     name:
>>>>>> ${APP_NAME}-data,¬
>>>>>> 194                     mountPath:
>>>>>> ${WP_PATH}¬
>>>>>> 195
>>>>>> }¬
>>>>>> 196                 ],¬
>>>>>> Any help will very appreciate
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> https://github.com/openshift/origin/tree/master/examples/wordpress/
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Robson
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Ben Parees | OpenShift
>>> --
>>> Ben Parees | OpenShift
> --
> Ben Parees | OpenShift
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