Not a problem, can you point me in the right direction for how to get those

For the first one, I know I can set the USER option in the dockerfile that
builds the docker image. Does it matter what user I set that as? I'm
assuming that the user needs to exist on the nodes...

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Maciej Szulik <> wrote:

> There are two problems here:
> 1. WARNING: Image "testwebapp" runs as the 'root' user which may not be
> permitted by your cluster administrator
>     unless your user is allowed to run privileged containers you should
> fix that.
> 2. Error from server: container "testwebapp" in pod "testwebapp-1-1x7ex"
> is waiting to start: image can't be pulled
> First it would be good to get rid of no 1. for the latter I'd need to see
> master logs with loglevel=8 if it's not a problem.
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 5:14 PM, Tony Saxon <> wrote:
>> It does not work:
>> [root@os-master ~]# oc new-app testwebapp
>> --> Found image 59826fe (4 days old) in image stream testwebapp under tag
>> "latest" for "testwebapp"
>>     * This image will be deployed in deployment config "testwebapp"
>>     * The image does not expose any ports - if you want to load balance
>> or send traffic to this component
>>       you will need to create a service with 'expose dc/testwebapp
>> --port=[port]' later
>>     * WARNING: Image "testwebapp" runs as the 'root' user which may not
>> be permitted by your cluster administrator
>> --> Creating resources with label app=testwebapp ...
>>     deploymentconfig "testwebapp" created
>> --> Success
>>     Run 'oc status' to view your app.
>> [root@os-master ~]# oc status
>> In project testwebapp on server https://os-master.libvirt:8443
>> dc/testwebapp deploys istag/testwebapp:latest
>>   deployment #1 pending 5 seconds ago
>> 1 warning identified, use 'oc status -v' to see details.
>> [root@os-master ~]# oc get pods
>> NAME                  READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
>> testwebapp-1-1x7ex    0/1       ContainerCreating   0          3s
>> testwebapp-1-deploy   1/1       Running             0          9s
>> [root@os-master ~]# oc get pods
>> NAME                  READY     STATUS         RESTARTS   AGE
>> testwebapp-1-1x7ex    0/1       ErrImagePull   0          6s
>> testwebapp-1-deploy   1/1       Running        0          12s
>> [root@os-master ~]# oc logs testwebapp-1-1x7ex
>> Error from server: container "testwebapp" in pod "testwebapp-1-1x7ex" is
>> waiting to start: image can't be pulled
>> [root@os-master ~]#
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Maciej Szulik <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yeah, that looks ok, did that work? If not, what error did you get?
>>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Tony Saxon <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I've done that:
>>>> [root@os-master ~]# oc get secrets
>>>> NAME                       TYPE
>>>> DATA      AGE
>>>> builder-dockercfg-7bjoo
>>>> 1         1d
>>>> builder-token-gi9o9
>>>> 3         1d
>>>> builder-token-wf31u
>>>> 3         1d
>>>> default-dockercfg-pfota
>>>> 1         1d
>>>> default-token-vbcmc
>>>> 3         1d
>>>> default-token-xffu5
>>>> 3         1d
>>>> deployer-dockercfg-lfiuw
>>>> 1         1d
>>>> deployer-token-9euo2
>>>> 3         1d
>>>> deployer-token-mq6vw
>>>> 3         1d
>>>> docker-lab       
>>>> 1         19h
>>>> [root@os-master ~]# oc describe sa default
>>>> Name:           default
>>>> Namespace:      testwebapp
>>>> Labels:         <none>
>>>> Image pull secrets:     default-dockercfg-pfota
>>>>                         docker-lab
>>>> Mountable secrets:      default-token-xffu5
>>>>                         default-dockercfg-pfota
>>>> Tokens:                 default-token-vbcmc
>>>>                         default-token-xffu5
>>>> One thing to note is that the "link" command didn't work. I had to use
>>>> 'oc secrets add default docker-lab --for=pull'
>>> Can you open an issue it's not working? Either docs should be updated or
>>> code fixed.
>>> Does it need to be added to a different service account? Here are the
>>>> accounts that currently exist:
>>>> [root@os-master ~]# oc get sa
>>>> NAME       SECRETS   AGE
>>>> builder    2         1d
>>>> default    2         1d
>>>> deployer   2         1d
>>>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Maciej Szulik <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Cesar Wong <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tony,
>>>>>> Sorry for over-complicating it then :)
>>>>>> Using the image stream name is the right thing to do. However,
>>>>>> new-app won't include the pull secret in the deployment config that it
>>>>>> generates. So you have to specify it manually by editing the generated dc
>>>>>> Unless, (Maciej, you'd know better than me) there is some magic that
>>>>>> the deployer uses to figure out the right secret to use.
>>>>> You need to provide the secrets as described here:
>>>>> html#allowing-pods-to-reference-images-from-other-secured-registries
>>>>>> On Aug 10, 2016, at 9:47 AM, Tony Saxon <> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Cesar, but actually Maciej had it right. I'm trying to use a
>>>>>> preexisting private docker registry as the source of the image. The
>>>>>> preexisting registry is tied in with our current CI system, so my 
>>>>>> ultimate
>>>>>> goal is to use an image from that repository as the source for an app in
>>>>>> Openshift for a continuous deployment system.
>>>>>> I went and did the import and it imported successfully:
>>>>>> # oc import-image testwebapp --confirm
>>>>>> 5000/testwebapp:latest
>>>>>> The import completed successfully.
>>>>>> Name:                   testwebapp
>>>>>> Created:                1 seconds ago
>>>>>> Labels:                 <none>
>>>>>> Annotations:  
>>>>>> itoryCheck=2016-08-10T13:26:01Z
>>>>>> Docker Pull Spec:
>>>>>> Tag     Spec
>>>>>> Created         PullSpec
>>>>>>                                           Image
>>>>>> latest  1 seconds
>>>>>> ago
>>>>>> <same>
>>>>>> # oc get is
>>>>>> NAME         DOCKER REPO                                TAGS
>>>>>> UPDATED
>>>>>> testwebapp   latest    6
>>>>>> seconds ago
>>>>>> I'm a little confused as to how to then deploy this as a new app. I
>>>>>> tried running the same 'oc new-app' command as I was running previously,
>>>>>> but it gave an error about an imagestream 'testwebapp' already existing. 
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> then tried to run just 'oc new-app testwebapp' and it still gives an 
>>>>>> error
>>>>>> in the pod about not being able to pull the image. I also tried 'oc 
>>>>>> new-app
>>>>>>' which gave an error about
>>>>>> no match.
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 6:40 AM, Cesar Wong <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Maciej,
>>>>>>> In this case, Tony is trying to connect to the OpenShift registry,
>>>>>>> so the secret should exist; the dockercfg secret for the project's 
>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>> service account.
>>>>>>> Tony, two things that may be your issue:
>>>>>>> 1) You're using a route for your registry (
>>>>>>> The dockercfg secret will likely only have an entry for the ip address 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the registry and not the route. (Maciej, maybe you know of a way to get 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> secrets to include an entry for the host of the route). Otherwise, 
>>>>>>> you're
>>>>>>> better off specifying the service ip when invoking new-app.
>>>>>>> You can check what hosts are included in the dockercfg secret by
>>>>>>> doing 'oc describe secret/default-dockercfg-XXXX' where XXXX is whatever
>>>>>>> suffix is used in your project.
>>>>>>> 2) The image ref that you're using in your new-app invocation
>>>>>>> doesn't include a namespace. All images on the OpenShift registry will 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> a namespace and name like:
>>>>>>>  [registry-host]:[port]/projectname/testwebapp:latest. Make sure
>>>>>>> you have the full spec for the image (from 'oc get is').
>>>>>>> On Aug 10, 2016, at 5:44 AM, Maciej Szulik <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> You need to follow the docs here:
>>>>>>> est/dev_guide/managing_images.html#private-registries
>>>>>>> to setup the secret in the same project your ImageStream is created
>>>>>>> and then re-import the image.
>>>>>>> During import proper secrets will be picked automatically based on
>>>>>>> the urls of the registry and your image metadata
>>>>>>> should be downloaded to the server. This will handle the import
>>>>>>> part, now for actually using an image from private
>>>>>>> registry you need to follow this:
>>>>>>> est/dev_guide/managing_images.html#allowing-pods-to-referenc
>>>>>>> e-images-from-other-secured-registries
>>>>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>>>>> Maciej
>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 4:00 PM, Tony Saxon <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I have a private docker
>>>>>>>> registry that is set up securely and uses authentication. I followed 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> docs at
>>>>>>>> est/dev_guide/managing_images.html#using-image-pull-secrets to
>>>>>>>> create the secret with the username and password to authenticate with 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> docker registry. I verified that I can manually login to the docker
>>>>>>>> registry from the master and the nodes. However, when I go to deploy a 
>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>> app based on an image from the docker registry it seem to be failing to
>>>>>>>> authenticate. The command that I'm running to create the new app:
>>>>>>>> oc new-app
>>>>>>>> It creates the imagestream and attempts to deploy the pod. I get
>>>>>>>> the following in the logs on the pod:
>>>>>>>> # oc logs testwebapp-1-us1wu
>>>>>>>> Error from server: container "testwebapp" in pod
>>>>>>>> "testwebapp-1-us1wu" is waiting to start: image can't be pulled
>>>>>>>> The logs on the docker registry show:
>>>>>>>> time="2016-08-09T13:54:45Z" level=warning msg="error authorizing
>>>>>>>> context: basic authentication challenge for realm \"Registry Realm\":
>>>>>>>> invalid authorization credential" go.version=go1.6.3 
>>>>>>>> http.request.method=GET http.request.remoteaddr="192.1
>>>>>>>> 68.122.158:54436" http.request.uri="/v2/"
>>>>>>>> http.request.useragent="docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2
>>>>>>>> git-commit/9419b24-unsupported kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64
>>>>>>>> os/linux arch/amd64"
>>>>>>>> version=v2.5.0
>>>>>>>> - - [09/Aug/2016:13:54:45 +0000] "GET /v2/
>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 401 87 "" "docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2
>>>>>>>> git-commit/9419b24-unsupported kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64
>>>>>>>> os/linux arch/amd64"
>>>>>>>> time="2016-08-09T13:54:45Z" level=error msg="response completed
>>>>>>>> with error" err.code="manifest unknown"
>>>>>>>> err.detail="unknown manifest name=testwebapp 
>>>>>>>> revision=sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f
>>>>>>>> 7908bad740fc0c85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3"
>>>>>>>> err.message="manifest unknown" go.version=go1.6.3"
>>>>>>>> http.request.method=GET http.request.remoteaddr="192.1
>>>>>>>> 68.122.158:54438" http.request.uri="/v2/testweba
>>>>>>>> pp/manifests/sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f7908bad740fc0c85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3"
>>>>>>>> http.request.useragent="docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2
>>>>>>>> git-commit/9419b24-unsupported kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64
>>>>>>>> os/linux arch/amd64" http.response.contenttype="application/json;
>>>>>>>> charset=utf-8" http.response.duration=6.174905ms
>>>>>>>> http.response.status=404 http.response.written=186
>>>>>>>> =f0d70491-6e34-44eb-a51c-3b13eae8daa6
>>>>>>>> vars.reference="sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f7908bad740fc0c85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3"
>>>>>>>> version=v2.5.0
>>>>>>>> - - [09/Aug/2016:13:54:45 +0000] "GET
>>>>>>>> /v2/testwebapp/manifests/sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f7908bad740fc0c
>>>>>>>> 85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3 HTTP/1.1" 404 186 ""
>>>>>>>> "docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2 git-commit/9419b24-unsupported
>>>>>>>> kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64 os/linux arch/amd64"
>>>>>>>> time="2016-08-09T13:54:45Z" level=warning msg="error authorizing
>>>>>>>> context: basic authentication challenge for realm \"Registry Realm\":
>>>>>>>> invalid authorization credential" go.version=go1.6.3 
>>>>>>>> http.request.method=GET http.request.remoteaddr="192.1
>>>>>>>> 68.122.158:54440" http.request.uri="/v2/"
>>>>>>>> http.request.useragent="docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2
>>>>>>>> git-commit/9419b24-unsupported kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64
>>>>>>>> os/linux arch/amd64"
>>>>>>>> version=v2.5.0
>>>>>>>> - - [09/Aug/2016:13:54:45 +0000] "GET /v2/
>>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 401 87 "" "docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2
>>>>>>>> git-commit/9419b24-unsupported kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64
>>>>>>>> os/linux arch/amd64"
>>>>>>>> time="2016-08-09T13:54:46Z" level=error msg="response completed
>>>>>>>> with error" err.code="manifest unknown"
>>>>>>>> err.detail="unknown manifest name=testwebapp 
>>>>>>>> revision=sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f
>>>>>>>> 7908bad740fc0c85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3"
>>>>>>>> err.message="manifest unknown" go.version=go1.6.3"
>>>>>>>> http.request.method=GET http.request.remoteaddr="192.1
>>>>>>>> 68.122.158:54442" http.request.uri="/v2/testweba
>>>>>>>> pp/manifests/sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f7908bad740fc0c85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3"
>>>>>>>> http.request.useragent="docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2
>>>>>>>> git-commit/9419b24-unsupported kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64
>>>>>>>> os/linux arch/amd64" http.response.contenttype="application/json;
>>>>>>>> charset=utf-8" http.response.duration=6.28913ms
>>>>>>>> http.response.status=404 http.response.written=186
>>>>>>>> =f0d70491-6e34-44eb-a51c-3b13eae8daa6
>>>>>>>> vars.reference="sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f7908bad740fc0c85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3"
>>>>>>>> version=v2.5.0
>>>>>>>> - - [09/Aug/2016:13:54:46 +0000] "GET
>>>>>>>> /v2/testwebapp/manifests/sha256:9799a25cd6fd7f7908bad740fc0c
>>>>>>>> 85823e38aa22afb22f687a5b8a3ed2bf9ec3 HTTP/1.1" 404 186 ""
>>>>>>>> "docker/1.10.3 go/go1.4.2 git-commit/9419b24-unsupported
>>>>>>>> kernel/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64 os/linux arch/amd64"
>>>>>>>> Here are the service accounts showing that they have the image pull
>>>>>>>> secret added (docker-lab):
>>>>>>>> [root@os-master ~]# oc get serviceaccounts
>>>>>>>> NAME       SECRETS   AGE
>>>>>>>> builder    3         21h
>>>>>>>> default    2         21h
>>>>>>>> deployer   3         21h
>>>>>>>> [root@os-master ~]# oc describe serviceaccounts default
>>>>>>>> Name:           default
>>>>>>>> Namespace:      testwebapp
>>>>>>>> Labels:         <none>
>>>>>>>> Image pull secrets:     default-dockercfg-pfota
>>>>>>>>                         eip-docker
>>>>>>>>                         docker-lab
>>>>>>>> Mountable secrets:      default-token-xffu5
>>>>>>>>                         default-dockercfg-pfota
>>>>>>>> Tokens:                 default-token-vbcmc
>>>>>>>>                         default-token-xffu5
>>>>>>>> [root@os-master ~]# oc describe serviceaccounts builder
>>>>>>>> Name:           builder
>>>>>>>> Namespace:      testwebapp
>>>>>>>> Labels:         <none>
>>>>>>>> Image pull secrets:     builder-dockercfg-7bjoo
>>>>>>>>                         docker-lab
>>>>>>>> Mountable secrets:      builder-token-wf31u
>>>>>>>>                         builder-dockercfg-7bjoo
>>>>>>>>                         eip-docker
>>>>>>>> Tokens:                 builder-token-gi9o9
>>>>>>>>                         builder-token-wf31u
>>>>>>>> [root@os-master ~]# oc describe serviceaccounts deployer
>>>>>>>> Name:           deployer
>>>>>>>> Namespace:      testwebapp
>>>>>>>> Labels:         <none>
>>>>>>>> Image pull secrets:     deployer-dockercfg-lfiuw
>>>>>>>>                         docker-lab
>>>>>>>> Mountable secrets:      deployer-token-9euo2
>>>>>>>>                         deployer-dockercfg-lfiuw
>>>>>>>>                         eip-docker
>>>>>>>> Tokens:                 deployer-token-9euo2
>>>>>>>>                         deployer-token-mq6vw
>>>>>>>> Not sure what I could be missing.
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