Thank you. Issue was with default certificate. Fixed it based on following

- Sachin

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 5:48 PM, Clayton Coleman <>

> On Oct 24, 2016, at 8:25 PM, Sachin Vaidya <> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I tried to deply router in "--host-network=false" mode.
> #sudo oadm router router-test  --service-account=router
> --host-network=false
> 1) See 2 containers created where one of the Pods remains in
>     "ContainerCreating" state for long.
> [centos@origin-master ~]$ sudo oc get pods
> NAME                   READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
> router-test-1-1rhub    0/1       ContainerCreating   0          2m
> router-test-1-deploy   1/1       Running             0          2m
> 2) Also container log on slave node indicates following:
> [centos@origin-node-0 /]$ sudo docker logs -f 75c4c2b6d280
> --> Scaling router-test-1 to 1
> --> Waiting up to 10m0s for pods in deployment router-test-1 to become
> ready
> 3) after 10 min, container errors out and deploy Pod transitions to
> "Error" state.
> error: update acceptor rejected router-test-1: pods for deployment
> "router-test-1" took longer than 600 seconds to become ready
> [centos@origin-master ~]$ sudo oc get pods
> NAME                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
> router-test-1-deploy   0/1       Error     0          41m
> -> How do I debug this problem? I rsh'ed into the deploy Pod
> (router-test-1-deploy)
>      and it can reach "kubernetes" service over 443. Have created a router
> service
>      account before starting router.
> This is the pod that orchestrated the deployment
> -->  What is the other Pod (router-test-1-1rhub) for. I don't see any
> container
>       running on slave for this Pod.
> This is pod that starts the router software.
> Often this can be caused by security issues - run "oc get events" to see
> whether there was a problem pulling the image or starting the pod
> Thanks
> Sachin
> ----------
> [centos@origin-master ~]$ sudo oc version
> oc v1.3.0
> kubernetes v1.3.0+52492b4
> features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO
> Server https://origin-master:8443
> openshift v1.3.0
> kubernetes v1.3.0+52492b4
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