No joy.
The cassandra pod starts fine but the hawkular on fails to start with what looks like the same errors as I described before.


On 06/09/2017 10:34, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:
Hi Tim.

on Dienstag, 05. September 2017 at 17:10 was written:

Still no joy with this.
I retried with the latest code and still hitting the same problem.
Metrics does not seem to be working with a new Ansible install.
I'm using a minimal setup with an inventory like this:

When the install completes the openshift-infra project pods ends up like
NAME                         READY STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
hawkular-cassandra-1-4m7lq   1/1       Running 0          16m
hawkular-metrics-0nl1q       0/1       CrashLoopBackOff 7          16m
heapster-cgw0b               0/1       Running 1          16m
The hawkular-metrics pods is failing, and it looks like its because it
can't connect to the cassandra pod.
The full log of the hawkular-metrics pod is here:
Any help resolving this would be appreciated.
I normally do the following.

oc scale rc/hawkular-metrics --replicas=0
oc scale rc/heapster --replicas=0
oc scale rc/hawkular-cassandra --replicas=0

after all pods are down start the new instaces.

Sometimes I must send a

oc delete pod <HANGING_POD> --grace-period=0

when a pod is hanging.

Now start cas

oc scale rc/hawkular-cassandra --replicas=1

Wait until cas is up without errors!

oc logs -f <NEW_POD>

Now run hawk

oc scale rc/hawkular-metrics --replicas=1

Wait until hawk is up without errors!

oc logs -f <NEW_POD>

Now run heapster

oc scale rc/heapster --replicas=1

oc logs -f <NEW_POD>

Does this help?


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