Will do that.

Still i think this should be handled by the playbooks given that I
specifically disable internal registry and specify the oreg_url.

Thanks for your help Adam & Ben


On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 5:46 PM Adam Kaplan <adam.kap...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Those errors make sense, then. You can create a new
> ImageStream+ImageStreamTag that points to the rhscl nodejs images, and
> reference that in the build.
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 10:26 AM Sandrini, Christian <
> christian.sandr...@bis.org> wrote:
>> Something interesting. The buildconfig tries to pull from
>> (…/openshift/nodejs)
>> nexus.bisinfo.org:8500/openshift/nodejs@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>> This does not exist in nexus
>> # docker pull nexus.bisinfo.org:8500/openshift/nodejs:latest
>> Trying to pull repository nexus.bisinfo.org:8500/openshift/nodejs ...
>> Pulling repository nexus.bisinfo.org:8500/openshift/nodejs
>> Error: image openshift/nodejs:latest not found
>> But nexus has the images in /rhcsl/nodejs. This is a snipped from the
>> image stream nodejs.
>> 8 (latest)
>>   tagged from nexus.bisinfo.org:8500/rhscl/nodejs-8-rhel7:latest
>>     prefer registry pullthrough when referencing this tag
>>   Build and run Node.js 8 applications on RHEL 7. For more information
>> about using this builder image, including OpenShift considerations, see
>> https://github.com/sclorg/s2i-nodejs-container.
>>   Tags: builder, nodejs
>>   Example Repo: https://github.com/openshift/nodejs-ex.git
>>   *
>> nexus.bisinfo.org:8500/rhscl/nodejs-8-rhel7@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>>       3 days ago
>> Best
>> Chris
>> *From:* Ben Parees [mailto:bpar...@redhat.com]
>> *Sent:* 13 August 2018 15:44
>> *To:* Sandrini, Christian <christian.sandr...@bis.org>
>> *Cc:* Adam Kaplan <adam.kap...@redhat.com>;
>> users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
>> *Subject:* Re: Using an external registry for the cluster
>> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 9:32 AM, Sandrini, Christian <
>> christian.sandr...@bis.org> wrote:
>> Hi Adam
>> Yes. I can actually manually pull it from nexus on any openshift node.
>> Because we use an internally signed certificate I was wondering if it might
>> have something to do it with?
>> you'd see an error related to that if that where the issue.
>> The node is able to pull because I put the certificates into /etc/pki.
>> Not sure the builder image has that information.
>> the builds use the host's docker socket to pull images, so if the host
>> can pull it, the build should be able to.
>> However the builds use their own credential mechanism for authenticating
>> to do the pull.  Are credentials required to pull the image in question?
>> # crictl pull
>> nexus.example.com:8500/openshift/nodejs@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>> W0808 08:53:09.780779   31667 util_unix.go:75] Using
>> "/var/run/crio/crio.sock" as endpoint is deprecated, please consider using
>> full url format "unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock".
>> Image is update to date for
>> nexus.example.com:8500/openshift/nodejs@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>> Best
>> Chris
>> *From:* Adam Kaplan [mailto:adam.kap...@redhat.com]
>> *Sent:* 13 August 2018 15:29
>> *To:* Sandrini, Christian <christian.sandr...@bis.org>
>> *Cc:* users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
>> *Subject:* Re: Using an external registry for the cluster
>> Have you pushed the nodejs s2i image to your nexus registry? The ansible
>> playbook does not do this for you.
>> If you haven't done so, you can manually pull the nodejs s2i image from
>> registry.access.redhat.com, then push it to the nexus registry.
>> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 9:16 AM Sandrini, Christian <
>> christian.sandr...@bis.org> wrote:
>> Hi Adam
>> This is the buildconfig
>> # oc get buildconfig test -o yaml
>> apiVersion: build.openshift.io/v1
>> kind: BuildConfig
>> metadata:
>>   annotations:
>>     openshift.io/generated-by: OpenShiftWebConsole
>>   creationTimestamp: 2018-08-10T11:30:11Z
>>   labels:
>>     app: test
>>   name: test
>>   namespace: test
>>   resourceVersion: "11651"
>>   selfLink: /apis/build.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/test/buildconfigs/test
>>   uid: bdeacbd8-9c90-11e8-9f83-005056b28a97
>> spec:
>>   nodeSelector: null
>>   output:
>>     to:
>>       kind: ImageStreamTag
>>       name: test:latest
>>   postCommit: {}
>>   resources: {}
>>   runPolicy: Serial
>>   source:
>>     git:
>>       ref: master
>>       uri: ssh://
>> imstfs.bisinfo.org:22/tfs/DevBIS/Linux%20Team/_git/LinuxAPI
>>     sourceSecret:
>>       name: tfs
>>     type: Git
>>   strategy:
>>     sourceStrategy:
>>       from:
>>         kind: ImageStreamTag
>>         name: nodejs:8
>>         namespace: openshift
>>     type: Source
>>   triggers:
>>   - generic:
>>       secret: 20d714198be8c14a
>>     type: Generic
>>   - github:
>>       secret: 7ee9ecd7d2bf955b
>>     type: GitHub
>>   - imageChange:
>>       lastTriggeredImageID:
>> nexus.bisinfo.org:8500/openshift/nodejs@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>>     type: ImageChange
>>   - type: ConfigChange
>> status:
>>   lastVersion: 4
>> best
>> Chris
>> *From:* Adam Kaplan [mailto:adam.kap...@redhat.com]
>> *Sent:* 13 August 2018 15:07
>> *To:* Sandrini, Christian <christian.sandr...@bis.org>
>> *Cc:* users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
>> *Subject:* Re: Using an external registry for the cluster
>> Hi Chris,
>> I'm with the developer experience team - can you please provide a snippet
>> of the build config that is breaking? We'd like to see which image streams
>> are being used in the build.
>> Thank You,
>> Adam
>> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:58 AM Sandrini, Christian <
>> christian.sandr...@bis.org> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I was wondering if it is supported to use a completely external registry
>> (Nexus) to pull and push images? Ideally I would like to have multiple
>> clusters pointing to the same external registry.
>> I have setup a test cluster “enterprise 3.10.14-1” and specified the
>> following settings in the ansible inventory
>> openshift_hosted_manage_registry=false
>> oreg_url=nexus.example.com:8500/openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}
>> <http://nexus.example.com:8500/openshift3/ose-$%7Bcomponent%7D:$%7Bversion%7D>
>> openshift_examples_modify_imagestreams=true
>> This seems to work fine for installing the cluster. Next step I tried to
>> create a new app from nodejs which failed as the image streams tried to
>> pull from an internal registry which does not exist
>> NAME             DOCKER
>> TAGS                         UPDATED
>> dotnet
>> docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/dotnet           1.0,1.1,2.0 + 2
>> more...      17 hours ago
>> dotnet-runtime
>> docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/dotnet-runtime
>> 2.0,2.1,latest               17 hours ago
>> httpd
>> docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/httpd
>> latest,2.4                   17 hours ago
>> The master-config.yaml points to the internal registry
>> imagePolicyConfig:
>>   internalRegistryHostname: docker-registry.default.svc:5000
>> I tried to change that to nexus.example.com:8500 but am getting an error
>> when trying to pull an image
>> # oc logs api-4-build
>> pulling image error : unknown blob
>> error: build error: unable to get
>> nexus.example.com:8500/openshift/nodejs@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>> Manually pulling from that registry on the node works though
>> # crictl pull
>> nexus.example.com:8500/openshift/nodejs@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>> W0808 08:53:09.780779   31667 util_unix.go:75] Using
>> "/var/run/crio/crio.sock" as endpoint is deprecated, please consider using
>> full url format "unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock".
>> Image is update to date for
>> nexus.example.com:8500/openshift/nodejs@sha256:7b26a9d8ace47e939a9fcdca61620dbe47d1b936e68983e252cca50991704c7c
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Best
>> Chris
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>> Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com/>
>> 100 E Davie St Raleigh, NC 27601 USA
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>> Ben Parees | OpenShift
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