The kube #openshift-dev slack might also make sense, since we have 518
people there right now

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 12:46 PM Christian Glombek <>

> Hi everyone,
> first of all, I'd like to thank Clayton for kicking this off!
> As I only just joined this ML, let me quickly introduce myself:
> I am an Associate Software Engineer on the OpenShift
> machine-config-operator (mco) team and I'm based out of Berlin, Germany.
> Last year, I participated in Google Summer of Code as a student with
> Fedora IoT and joined Red Hat shortly thereafter to work on the Fedora
> CoreOS (FCOS) team.
> I joined the MCO team when it was established earlier this year.
> Having been a Fedora/Atomic community member for some years, I'm a strong
> proponent of using FCOS as base OS for OKD and would like to see it enabled
> :)
> As I work on the team that looks after the MCO, which is one of the parts
> of OpenShift that will need some adaptation in order to support another
> base OS, I am confident I can help with contributions there
> (of course I don't want to shut the door for other OSes to be used as base
> if people are interested in that :).
> Proposal: Create WG and hold regular meetings
> I'd like to propose the creation of the OKD Working Group that will hold
> bi-weekly meetings.
> (or should we call it a SIG? Also open to suggestions to find the right
> venue: IRC?, OpenShift Commons Slack?).
> I'll survey some people in the coming days to find a suitable meeting time.
> If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to reach out,
> either via this list or personally!
> I can be found as lorbus on IRC/Fedora, @lorbus42 on Twitter, or simply
> via email :)
> I'll send out more info here ASAP. Stay tuned!
> With kind regards
> Associate Software Engineer
> Red Hat GmbH, registred seat: Grassbrunn
> Commercial register: Amtsgericht Muenchen, HRB 153243
> Managing directors: Charles Cachera, Michael O'Neill, Thomas Savage, Eric 
> Shander
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 10:45 PM Clayton Coleman <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for everyone who provided feedback over the last few weeks.
>> There's been a lot of good feedback, including some things I'll try to
>> capture here:
>> * More structured working groups would be good
>> * Better public roadmap
>> * Concrete schedule for OKD 4
>> * Concrete proposal for OKD 4
>> I've heard generally positive comments about the suggestions and
>> philosophy in the last email, with a desire for more details around what
>> the actual steps might look like, so I think it's safe to say that the idea
>> of "continuously up to date Kubernetes distribution" resonated.  We'll
>> continue to take feedback along this direction (private or public).
>> Since 4 was the kickoff for this discussion, and with the recent release
>> of the Fedora CoreOS beta (
>> figuring
>> prominently in the discussions so far, I got some volunteers from that team
>> to take point on setting up a working group (SIG?) around the initial level
>> of integration and drafting a proposal.
>> Steve and Christian have both been working on Fedora CoreOS and
>> graciously agreed to help drive the next steps on Fedora CoreOS and OKD
>> potential integration into a proposal.  There's a rough level draft doc
>> they plan to share - but for now I will turn this over to them and they'll
>> help organize time / forum / process for kicking off this effort.  As that
>> continues, we'll identify new SIGs to spawn off as necessary to cover other
>> topics, including initial CI and release automation to deliver any
>> necessary changes.
>> Thanks to everyone who gave feedback, and stay tuned here for more!
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