I understand from digging through the archives for this list that the
j2ee plugin has been split into the war and ear plugins. Is the j2ee
plugin no longer being maintained? If so, what happened to

I'm trying to run j2ee:validate-war, and I can't get it to work:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mywebapp$ maven j2ee:validate-war
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-beta-10

/mywebapp.war started: war validation started
/mywebapp.war error: File does not exist
/mywebapp.war ended: war validation ended
    [warvalidator] [ERROR] Error in class

File...... file:/home/craigc/.maven/plugins/maven-j2ee-plugin-1.2/
Element... ant:warvalidator
Line...... 36
Column.... 74
Errors occurred during validation. Messages should have been provided
Total time:  23 seconds

I dug into plugin.jelly for the j2ee plugin, and it looks like it builds
the name of the war to validate from the maven.war.build.dir property:

    <j:set var="warBuildDir"

      <ant:formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>

But I set that property to ${basedir}/target in project.properties, and
j2ee:validate-war still complains that it can't find /mywebapp.war -- it
never seems to look for ${basedir}/target/mywebapp.war.

Am I missing something?

Craig S. Cottingham

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