I've done some preliminary searching and reading of articles, docs, etc.
regarding Maven and multiple-subprojects, but haven't been able to
determine an answer to the following question: 


Assuming a project structure of:










Where A depends upon B and C depends on A, the typical compile steps to
build the entire project would be B->A->C. I've seen articles regarding
the use of a reactor to provide a one-step method of making this compile
happen for all subprojects. However, our project has a large number of
modules and we'd like to build a subset of them for quicker testing
purposes by running Maven from, for example, subproject A (should build
and deploy only B and A, not C). This would prevent me from having to
compile all modules to simply test a set of 3 modules and deploy an EAR
with those components. Is this possible using typical Maven constructs?
What would be required to accomplish this using Maven? My first thought
is that each subproject A,B, and C would have its own project-level
Maven files as well as the master one that lives at the top level. Is
this the right approach? Anyone doing this? Any best practices suggested
with larger projects? 


Best Regards,



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