Hi Eric,

Thanks for the suggestion. Right now it does not seem to be applicable to my situation since I am running xmlbeans in the same vm as maven, so I think I need maven to set up the classloader for me before the plugin is called. If there is no other way I may try the separate vm approach.

david jencks

On Friday, February 13, 2004, at 10:42 AM, Eric Giguere wrote:

Hi David

From your message, I'm not sure if this solution may apply but I'll give it a try. You can, if you can use the Ant classpath element in your plugin. If you need to refer to the classpath of the project (dependencies for instance), you still can access it and "insert" those entries in your new Ant classpath element using a call like :

<ant:path id="project.class.path">
<pathelement location="${maven.build.dest}"/>
<pathelement path="${plugin:getDependencyPath("groupId:artifactId")}"/>

Instead of using the complete depencies path, you can add some smart jelly code to pick what you need from the complete classpath of the whole project.

There is a good example of using multiple dependancy path to configure the classpath of an ant:java call in the AspectWerkz plugin jelly script.

Hope it helps

David Jencks wrote:

I'm working on a maven plugin for xmlbeans. I need to be able to specify for each use of the plugin which dependencies are in the classloader that loads the java class used by the plugin (which is included in the plugin) or what is in the thread context classloader (I think).

Before I go off and spend hours investigating this I thought I'd ask if this is possible and how to do it.

Many thanks,
david jencks

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