Hi, we're using the jar-with-dependencies descriptor to assemble our 

Now when we're switching from 3.0-beta-1 to 3.0 of Maven we are 
experience a change of behavior of the assembly process. Before, the 
resources of the assembled project would be assembled before any other 
dependency of the project.

After the switch to 3.0 of Maven, other dependencies will be assembled 
(unpacked) before the resources of the current project is added.

Should it not be that the resources of the current project should be 
added first?

This make things like log4j configurations to be the one from other 
projects/dependencies, as the assembly plugin will not add duplicate 

example: project x and y, x depends on y

x -> src/main/resources/log4j.xml
y -> src/main/resources/log4j.xml

assembly jar-with-dependencies on project x will contain log4j.xml from 
project y, this is not exactly what you would expect right?

Version/result matrix:

Maven version => maven-assembly-plugin version => result

3.0-beta-1 => 2.2-beta-5 => log4j from x
3.0 => 2.2-beta-5 => log4j from y
3.0-beta-1 => 2.2 => log4j from y
3.0 => 2.2 => log4j from y

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