

I'm using maven 3.0.1


I got following ouput everytime I've built a child project. The missing
dependencies are declared in the parent project. The curious thing is
that the build never fails and the [WARNING] messages are displayed at
the end of the build. Futhermore are all of those "missing" dependencies
found in my local repository..


[WARNING] The POM for com.incors:alloy:jar:1.4.5 is missing, no
dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for com.interactive.jcarnacpro:jcarnacpro:jar:2.6.0 is
missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for com.interactive.jcarnacpro:axes_util:jar:2.6.0 is
missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for com.interactive.jcarnacpro:int_gui:jar:2.6.0 is
missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for com.interactive.jcarnacpro:int_icons:jar:2.6.0 is
missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for com.interactive.jcarnacpro:int_util:jar:2.6.0 is
missing, no dependency information available

[WARNING] The POM for net.sourceforge.cglib:cglib-nodep:jar:2.2 is
missing, no dependency information available



If I delete those dependencies from my local repo, Maven will download
those deps from artifactory but with following error:


_gui/2.6.0/int_gui-2.6.0.jar (73 KB at 39.2 KB/sec)


Checksum validation failed, no checksums available from the repository


Perhaps, there's a combination between this failed checksum validation
and the missing deps error? The missing deps were all deployed by hand
with the artifactory web interface. I don't have any problems with my
local deployed projects which were created by my own and deployed with
maven 3.


Do you know in which cases the "missing dependencies error" will occour?
I'm not able to reproduce the error yet..


Greets Chris

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