
I'm trying to be able to configure my project repository URL inside
settings.xml, here the snippet



my pom snippet (for a none module project).

            <name>Archiva Managed Internal Repository</name>


when I run my mvn compile command, I get this warning at the very beginning
which implies SNAPSHOT is not updated, and property *company.maven.repo *is
not resolved

[WARNING] *Could not transfer metadata* *
company.pom:company-pom:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT*/maven-metadata.xml *from/to
brovada.repo (${company.maven.repo})*: No connector available to access
repository company.repo (${company.maven.repo}) of type default using the
available factories WagonRepositoryConnectorFactory

If I use this approach in a multi-module project, the message will appear,
but the
SNAPSHOTs will be solved for the modules without any trouble, (repository
is only set in the reactor pom).

My questions (I'm using 3.0.4):

- Am I missing the point here, may be the property should not be resolved
where I
  expect it to be resolved ?

- May be this is a bug ?
  I've seen something similar happening for transitive dependencies version
  multi-module projects reported as a bug, but nothing close to this one.

Thanks in advance

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