Am 13.02.2013 15:27, schrieb Thomas Scheffler:
> Hi,
> I created my first archetype. In archetype-metadata.xml I specified
>   <requiredProperties>
>     <requiredProperty key="mylib.version" />
>   </requiredProperties>
> When creating a project I want ${mylib.version} in the prototype pom.xml
> to be expanded to the specified value:
>   <parent>
>     <artifactId>mycore</artifactId>
>     <groupId>org.mycore</groupId>
>     <version>${mylib.version}</version>
>   </parent>
> On the command line I see the correct value but it is not used for
> pom.xml. Just ${artifactId}, ${groupId} and ${version} seem to get expanded.
> How can I achieve this without releasing a new archetype with every
> version of mylib?
There is hint on

"Custom property names may not contain the '.' character."

Changing mylib.version to mylib-version solved the problem.



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