I have the feeling the POM will carry too many things. After all, POM
is in SCM, so it is versionned, it is source related, it can't provide
deployment infos, or development platform context, which can change
after the release has been done.

At the first reading of the POM documentation, I see :
<reposiroty> : Remote Repository. (I guess the one where the packaged
artifact will be deployed)
Does it mean that my project sources must know where my remote
repository is installed ? What happen if my company change computer
names (for example she got bought by another company who already have
a maven repository and we want merge them) ?

This problem was already an issue in Maven 1 too, and still is on
those : issue management, site:deploy target, etc.

I have slightly the same conceptual difficulties with some site
reports. For me there are different kind of reports. Some I want to
execute during Continuous integration (on SNAPSHOT) and some I want to
execute on stable releases (versions). Some reports can be attached to
both : javadoc, tests, xref, faq, install guide, user guide, pmd,
findbugs, checkstyle, ... they apply to ONE configuration. Some
reports are NOT version related, they apply to the whole configuration
management : last 30 days changelogs, Developper activity, ... If the
changelog was : every change log since last version, it would become a
configuration report and I would be ok with it, but the fact it will
deal with a period of time based on when I run it, breaks this (I
should be able to check out a specific VERSION, whenever I want, even
years ahead in the future, generate the site and obtain the exact same
result than when i did the first time).

I have the feeling Maven doesn't clearly separated between a
configuration and the whole project lifespan. For me there should be a
tool for configuration-based tasks, and a tool for project-based
tasks. A versionned POM, that follow the configuration lifecycle, and
some other project-settings separated from the POM. I think this
second item should be handled by CruiseControl-like tools, and could
integrate other tools that track the project evolution like some code
review tools with history (e.g. Hammurapi).

Or ?

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