Hi Thomas,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Van de Velde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: mardi 10 mai 2005 12:51
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Cactus Dashboard Agregator?
> I haven't found a dashboard agregator for cactus. Have I missed something?

I simply haven't had the need for it ;-)

That said a Cactus test is a junit test so I guess you should be able to use
the junit aggregator (although I haven't tried it on cactus tests).

Hmm.... Adding the following properties should work:

# Properties for the Cactus aggregator 
maven.dashboard.aggregator.cactustests.script = 
maven.dashboard.aggregator.cactustests.artifact = 
maven.dashboard.aggregator.cactustests.label = Cactus Tests
maven.dashboard.aggregator.cactustests.goal = cactus:test
maven.dashboard.aggregator.cactustests.description = Number of Cactus tests
maven.dashboard.aggregator.cactustests.report = cactus-report.html

And then:

maven.dashboard.aggregators = [...],cactustests

That said, I do agree that it would be nicer to have a proper Cactus
aggregator! I'll be happy to apply a patch... :-)


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