Hello guys
I would have a suggestion concerning this.
Right now, my uber-dist plugin allows that. In fact, its implemented the other way around. You specify using dependencies properties if this dependency must be deployed or not. If it is, you can override the deployment directory (so that it can be put in a sub-directory) and using another property, you can override its deployment name.

The use case...
When we have a project that is deployed on an existing framework, usually, your project will need the framework libraries to compile, but of course, you won't have to deploy those libraries since they are usually part of the framework uppon which your services will get installed. The frameword installation program takes care of putting all necessary files where they belong, and it will also (most of the time) indicate exactly where you must put your own libraries that extends its functionnalities.

There must be other situations but this one describes in the first place why I needed the new plugin.


Jason van Zyl wrote:

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 07:46 -0400, McGarr, Joseph M. wrote:
Hi all,

I have used Maven 1 in my free time and have been trying to migrate my
client to the product as well.  I have just started using M2 and like what I
see but I have a few questions, the first of which is, how do I tell M2 to
include a dependency only in the compile scope and not the runtime scope.

The details of the problem are I am building a war, but I do not want
dependencies like the Servlet API to be bundled in the jar, since the
application server will already provide this.  Any suggestions?  I am
assuming that I have missed something.

What's your specific use case? Does it happen to be a case where a
container provides the dependency at runtime?

We're trying to collect these use cases now as we're doing design and
implementing in this phase of development i.e. for the alpha-3 release.


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