
We use Maven with Cruisecontrol to drive project build.  It was all fine,
until one day...

About several weeks ago, we suddenly have problem about this "CVSROOT/users;
using empty email map" in both maven and cruisecontrol logs.

The problems are:
1. Email could not be sent after cruisecontrol build failed.
2. CVS file change log report can not be generated.  (The report is all

[java] cvs server: cannot find module `CVSROOT/users' - ignored
[java] [cc]May-26 11:30:35 CVS           - problem getting CVSROOT/users;
using empty email map

It may have something to do with "problem getting CVSROOT/users; using empty
email map".  But I do not have a clue how it happened.  I wonder the problem
is cvs server related.

Anyone had similar problems?  Any hint?  Or what is an intelligent question
to ask?

Thanks in advance
Andrew Chen
Senior Engineer
Engineering Computing
Nuclear Fuel
Westinghouse Electric Company

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