We have several MDB's which are principally configuration.  They all
derive from a base class MDB which is developed as a one of the classes
in a utilities jar.  The base class is a separate Maven project which
the customized MDBs depend on.  Each of the customized MDB projects have
their own deployment descriptors.
Then we wrote a post process plugin that is invoked after the
jboss:config plugin as part of a maven multi-project.  It will perform
the following for each subproject:

1. Unjar the archive (war, ear, jar) that is destined for the server
2. Replace known tags like %%ORACLE_SERVER%% that are originally in the
deployment descriptors with property values
3. Rebuild the archive
4. Deploy the updated archive into the server's deploy folder

This allows different configurations using the same base archives to be
deployed into different servers.

Each developer has their own Jboss server on their box talking to a
developer's dedicated database instance.  All the developer has is their
unique build.properties identifying their configuration.  It also
supports a gracefull deployment to the nightly build test server or the
production server.

I hope this makes sense.

Bud Curtis
JDIMS Project
L-3 Communications
(719) 637-5633

-----Original Message-----
From: Lloyd Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 5:28 AM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Maven, EJBs and clashing JNDI names

Hi all,


I hope I have correctly registered myself on this mailing list.


My company have recently migrated their java projects from Ant to Maven.
It's has all gone pretty smoothly until now.


We have a number of components, including ears, ejb-jars, jars etc. 2 of
my ears contain the same ejb jar file. I would like to deploy both of
these ears to the same instance of JBoss but I can't because the jndi
names for the EJBs inside the common ejb-jar files are the same and
therefore clash on deployment.


Can anyone tell me how I can handle this without breaking Maven's best
practices and making the 2 copies of the ejb-jar file different?


Many thanks,


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