You can write a script to :

    1. backup build dir
    2. call maven to checkout
    3. call a script to setup env
    4,5,6,7 call maven to build to do those step, you will need to 
        write your own plugin to plugin into maven build lifecyle.
        you can use the standard life cycle or use your own
        Check out the build lifecyle doc on m2 for detail

    8. back to script, call m2 again  to send the email out.



On 8/12/05, Rizwan Merchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on implementing a build process for our project. This process
> is required to be run as a cron job.
> The build process is going to do a number of things, such as:
> 1. Back up build directory
> 2. Check out source code
> 3. set up build environment
> 4. build the project
> 5. clean the database
> 6. build database
> 7. Perform regression tests
> 8. Failure notification (emails to various groups/individuals)
> etc
> etc
> My questions are:
> Does maven2 provide functionality to manage and run this entire build
> process? I am not sure if I am clear or not, but would I need to write a
> batch file that will individually call each of the above tasks, or can I use
> maven2 to achieve this functionalitiy.
> Also, can all of the individual tasks mentioned above be performed using
> maven2? or do i need to achieve some of them using other means, such as ant
> ? (for example, i know I can achieve 2 and 4 using maven2..what about the
> others?)
> Thanks,
> -Rizwan.
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