Maven doesn't recognise how to traverse includes when caching tag
libraries. It's a warning that can be ignored.

- Brett

On 9/22/05, Tim Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I feel stupid for even asking this question, but after digging through
> google for a while I have not found my answer.
> I have a maven.xml file that needs to include another xml file and make
> calls to defined tags that I have created.  Here is a basic example of
> what I am trying to do:
> Maven.xml contains:
> <project xmlns:define="jelly:define"
>          xmlns:j="jelly:core"
>          xmlns:cooliotest="cooliotest">
>   <j:include file="${basedir}/test.xml" />
>   <goal name="testing">
>     <j:set var="jar.customjars.src.dir"
> value="${basedir}/src/customjars" />
>     <cooliotest:echo />
>   </goal>
> </project>
> Test.xml contains:
> <project xmlns:define="jelly:define"
>          xmlns:j="jelly:core"
>          xmlns:ant="jelly:ant"
>          xmlns:cooliotest="cooliotest">
>   <define:taglib uri="cooliotest">
>     <define:tag name="echo">
>       <ant:echo>bla bla bla echo bla bla bla</ant:echo>
>     </define:tag>
>   </define:taglib>
> </project>
> So now at the command line I type:
> maven -o testing
> The output that is generated (subset of output):
> Tag library requested that is not present: 'cooliotest' in plugin:
> 'null'
> build:start:
> testing:
>     [echo] bla bla bla echo bla bla bla
> Total time: 2 seconds
> Finished at: Wed Sep 21 10:29:59 PDT 2005
> So to my question:
> Why am I get that the "Tag library requested that is not present:
> 'cooliotest' in plugin: 'null'"???  But yet my the correct output is
> still genereated..?  So is there a different way that to include another
> jelly file that contains custom defined tags that I want to call?
> Thanks,
> Tim.
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