On 12/31/05, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> surefire:  the whole forkmode thing.  We need the forkmode pertest to
> work.    This is a "must be released" thing.   I think its MSUREFIRE-20.

Ok, I've been a bit out of the loop on this one - I thought that made
it into 2.1.1.

> antrun: the snapshot add the testSourceRoot item which we need to generate
> test sources.  Worked with Kenny on irc to resolve this issue.  This is
> also a "must be released" thing.   Don't think there is a JIRA number for
> it.

No problem.

> Not sure about:
> jxr-maven-plugin
> jdepend-maven-plugin
> maven-site-plugin
> maven-javadoc-plugin  - Carlos would need to answer these ones since he
> added them to our pom.   We don't need the jxr or jdepend info for
> anything so we could remove those.   Javadoc is needed, but we may be
> able to use the release version.   No idea on the site thing.
> Those are all the snapshots (other than our own) that are in
> my .m2/repository.

Some of these are still in beta, though mostly are for "internal" use.
Only javadoc would be used to produce something for distribution, I

> If none of these are on the plan to release with 2.0.2, how can I find out
> what the plans are?

That's something we're working through on dev@ to see how to keep each
plugin healthy and communicate status. Stay tuned. I was just gauging
this on recent activity.

> Really, the only high priority ones are surefire and antrun.   The others
> are easily enough disabled or worked around to meet our release
> requirements.

We'll have at least these done alongside or before 2.0.2.

- Brett

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