Are the beans getting generated by xdoclet?

Thank You
Mick Knutson

BASE logic, inc.
(415) 648-1804 (San Francisco, CA)

From: "Rémy Sanlaville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Maven Users List" <>
To: "Maven Users List" <>
Subject: [M2] Struts and XDoclet
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 19:06:52 +0200


I try to use XDoclet with Maven 2 in order to generate Struts (v1.2.9)
descriptors (struts-config.xml and validation.xml).
All seems to be OK, but in the struts-config.xml file the form Bean section
is empty !

 <!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions ===================================

        If you have non XDoclet forms, define them in a file called
struts-forms.xml and
        place it in your merge directory.

If I try in the same project with ANT, I have no trouble

<!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions ===================================


        If you have non XDoclet forms, define them in a file called
struts-forms.xml and
        place it in your merge directory.

Do you have any idea ?


My pom.xml :

<?xml version=" 1.0"?><project>
 <name>Project for managing a library</name>

        <groupId> org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>

                 <groupId> javax.servlet</groupId>

                <webdoclet destdir="${}/${}/WEB-INF"
                    excludedtags= "@version,@author"
                     verbose        = "true">
                  <fileset dir="${}">
                       <include name="**/*" />
                       <include name="**/*" />
                       mergeDir    =
                       validatexml    = "true"
                       version        = "1.2"/>
                       validatexml    = "true"
                       version        = "1.1.3"/>

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