On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, [ISO-8859-1] R�my Sanlaville wrote:

I see a lot of spaces in the POM, especially

includes="**/* Form.java"

This might prevent the Form files from being detected.

-- Kenney

> Hi,
> I try to use XDoclet with Maven 2 in order to generate Struts (v1.2.9)
> descriptors (struts-config.xml and validation.xml).
> All seems to be OK, but in the struts-config.xml file the form Bean section
> is empty !
>   <!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions ===================================
> -->
>   <form-beans>
>     <!--
>          If you have non XDoclet forms, define them in a file called
> struts-forms.xml and
>          place it in your merge directory.
>     -->
>   </form-beans>
> If I try in the same project with ANT, I have no trouble
>  <!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions ===================================
> -->
>   <form-beans>
>     <form-bean
>       name="BookSearchForm"
>       type="test.struts.model.form.BookSearchForm"
>     />
>     <!--
>          If you have non XDoclet forms, define them in a file called
> struts-forms.xml and
>          place it in your merge directory.
>     -->
>   </form-beans>
> Do you have any idea ?
> R�my
> My pom.xml :
> --------------------
> <?xml version=" 1.0"?><project>
>   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>   <groupId>test</groupId>
>   <artifactId>library</artifactId>
>   <name>Project for managing a library</name>
>   <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>   <packaging>war</packaging>
>   <dependencies>
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>junit</groupId>
>       <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
>       <version>3.8.1</version>
>       <scope>test</scope>
>     </dependency>
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>log4j</groupId>
>       <artifactId>log4j</artifactId>
>       <version>1.2.13</version>
>       <optional>true</optional>
>     </dependency>
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>struts</groupId>
>       <artifactId>struts</artifactId>
>       <version>1.2.9</version>
>     </dependency>
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
>       <artifactId>geronimo-j2ee_1.4_spec</artifactId>
>       <version>1.0</version>
>       <scope>provided</scope>
>     </dependency>
>   </dependencies>
>   <build>
>      <plugins>
>        <plugin>
>          <groupId> org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>          <artifactId>xdoclet-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>          <dependencies>
>              <dependency>
>                   <groupId> javax.servlet</groupId>
>                   <artifactId>servlet-api</artifactId>
>                   <version>2.4</version>
>                   <scope>provided</scope>
>              </dependency>
>          </dependencies>
>          <executions>
>            <execution>
>              <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>              <goals>
>                <goal>xdoclet</goal>
>              </goals>
>              <configuration>
>                <tasks>
>                  <webdoclet destdir="${project.build.directory}/${
> project.build.finalName}/WEB-INF"
>                      excludedtags= "@version,@author"
>                       verbose        = "true">
>                    <fileset dir="${project.build.sourceDirectory}">
>                         <include name="**/* Form.java" />
>                         <include name="**/*Action.java" />
>                    </fileset>
>                     <strutsconfigxml
>                         mergeDir    =
> "${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/merge"
>                         validatexml    = "true"
>                         version        = "1.2"/>
>                     <strutsvalidationxml
>                         validatexml    = "true"
>                         version        = "1.1.3"/>
>                  </webdoclet>
>                </tasks>
>              </configuration>
>            </execution>
>          </executions>
>        </plugin>
>      </plugins>
>    </build>
> </project>

Kenney Westerhof
GPG public key: http://www.gods.nl/~forge/kenneyw.key

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