Just an FYI to fellow Maven Users...


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Date: Jul 14, 2006 7:51 PM
Subject: JavaMail 1.4.1ea SNAPSHOT available

As you know, JavaMail is now available under an open source license
and is a part of Project GlassFish (https://glassfish.dev.java.net).
The JavaMail mail.jar file is also available in the java.net Maven
Repository (https://maven-repository.dev.java.net/) starting here:
Note that the Maven repository versions of JavaMail require at least
J2SE 5.0 (JDK 1.5).

We've pushed a snapshot (non-final, day in the life) of what will
become the early access release of JavaMail 1.4.1 to the GlassFish
CVS repository and the Maven repository.  This snapshot addresses
the following issues:

6423701 Problem with using OrTerm when the protocol is IMAP
6431207 SMTP is adding extra CRLF to message content
6447295 IMAPMessage fails to return Content-Language from bodystructure
6447799 encoded text not decoded even when mail.mime.decodetext.strict is false
6447801 MimeBodyPart.writeTo reencodes data unnecessarily
<no id> fix performance bug in base64 encoder; now even faster!

The fix for 6447801 fixes a problem introduced by the fix for 4403733,
which fixed a long-standing problem where changes to a MimeMessage
object that was created from a byte stream would be lost.  With the
fix for 4403733, you could read in a MIME message from a file, make
some changes to it, and save it or send it.  Unfortunately, that fix
had a side effect that broke S/MIME support in some third party packages;
signed messages would no longer verify.

Hopefully the fix for 6447801 will allow both of these cases to work

Note that this latest fix depends on you calling Message.saveChanges
after making changes to the message, which you always should've been
doing anyway, but which the previous (erroneous) fix didn't depend on
in some cases.

If you depend on the fix for 4403733, please, please, please try out
this new version and let us know whether or not it works for you.  Yes,
we really do want to know about successes as well as problems!


      The JavaMail team

P.S.  We plan to make snapshots available more frequently.  Hopefully
that's useful to you.

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