
I have the following problem.

We use a custom packaging called "warstub". We uses modules and if a
module depends on other modules, its war will contain ALL the
dependecies (jars, html, images, etc). A warstub would contain only the
current module web-stuff (jar, html, etc.), so it's a kind of war but
contains less stuff. We created our own plugin which creates "warstub".

It's a simple plugin, it contains only a plexus components.xml. Here is
a snipplet from the componets.xml:


This maps the lifecycle phases to the proper maven-plugins.

And here is the ArtifactHandler config part:


What is my problem? Because we use the maven-war-plugin for packaging,
it includes all the dependecy JARs... So if a module depends on 5 other
modules, the target warstub will contain the 5 JARs (of the modules) as
well... If I could use "warSourceExcludes" parameter, I could exclude
all the dependent JARs. My problem is how to configure the
maven-war-plugin in a plexus components.xml.

Could you help me, please?

thank you,

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