>>What command are you using to deploy?
mvn deploy

>>distributionManagement section of your pom look like

>>granted the repository manager role for the repo you're trying to deploy to
the user 'deployer' has roles "Repository Manager - snapshot", "Repository Manager - pub", ...

>>How have you configured credentials in settings.xml

>>click on 'Permalink (Message view)'

this can be a tomcat related problem. I'm getting google hits on that error message, but nothing that really nails down the problem.
any light on this problem is appreciated


Wendy Smoak skrev:
On Feb 12, 2008 12:26 PM, Jens Riboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I cannot deploy to archiva running at tomcat. I'm getting this error
    2008-feb-12 20:00:21 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase
    INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled

There isn't enough information here to be able to guess what's wrong.
What command are you using to deploy?  If 'mvn deploy', what does the
distributionManagement section of your pom look like?  Have you
granted the repository manager role for the repo you're trying to
deploy to?  How have you configured credentials in settings.xml?

Another person seems to have asked the same question, but without an answer

Unfortunately that's a link to the entire January archive.  When
you're viewing the message, click on 'Permalink (Message view)' and
then paste that url.

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