Does it work in a simple ant script.

On 4-May-08, at 9:47 AM, Steinar Bang wrote:

Steinar Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[snip! Things that didn't work]

I added a <delete> of the original jar file, before the zip task, and
then it worked.  Ie.

So it was probably something about zip and overwriting of the existing
file that caused the flaky behaviour. Why it sometimes worked, and why
a <sleep> worked for some projects, is still a mystery.

The entire <plugin> config for each project, looks like this now:
<unzip src="${}/${artifactId}_$ {version}.jar" dest="${}" /> <replace file="${}/META-INF/ MANIFEST.MF" token="-SNAPSHOT" value=".SNAPSHOT" /> <delete file="${}/${artifactId}_$ {version}.jar" /> <zip destfile="${}/${artifactId}_$ {version}.jar"> <fileset dir="${}" includes="META-INF/ **" />

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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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